
404 for path served by Cherrypy

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2021-02-11 17:00:23
问题 For three simple apps: let us use a different port than 8080: cherrypy.config.update({'server.socket_host': '', 'server.socket_port': 28130 }) Let us set up three apps: fusionConf = { '/fusion':{}} mobileConf = { r"/mobile_to_fusion":{}} adminConf = { '/admin':{}} cherrypy.tree.mount(fusionListener, r"/fusion",fusionConf) cherrypy.tree.mount(mobileListener, r"/mobile_to_fusion",mobileConf) cherrypy.tree.mount(adminListener, r"/admin",adminConf) # cherrypy.engine.start() cherrypy

404 for path served by Cherrypy

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2021-02-11 16:59:38
问题 For three simple apps: let us use a different port than 8080: cherrypy.config.update({'server.socket_host': '', 'server.socket_port': 28130 }) Let us set up three apps: fusionConf = { '/fusion':{}} mobileConf = { r"/mobile_to_fusion":{}} adminConf = { '/admin':{}} cherrypy.tree.mount(fusionListener, r"/fusion",fusionConf) cherrypy.tree.mount(mobileListener, r"/mobile_to_fusion",mobileConf) cherrypy.tree.mount(adminListener, r"/admin",adminConf) # cherrypy.engine.start() cherrypy

How to specify the listening server instances using cherrypy tree.mount?

瘦欲@ 提交于 2021-02-11 15:48:57
问题 Let us create an application server and an admin server. Assume that fusionListener and adminListener contain the application and admin logic we want to expose. from cherrypy._cpserver import Server fserver = Server() fserver.socket_port = 10000 fserver.subscribe() aserver = Server() aserver.socket_port = 10001 aserver.subscribe() And then to start them: cherrypy.engine.start() cherrypy.engine.block() The tree.mount parameters ask for: the code/ business logic as the first parameter listening

How can I avoid uwsgi_modifier1 30 and keep WSGI my application location-independent?

只愿长相守 提交于 2021-02-10 20:28:55
问题 I have a WSGI application using CherryPy hosted using uWSGI behind a ngnix server. I would like for the application itself to be "portable". That is, the application should not know or care what URL it is mapped to, and should even work if mapped to multiple different URLs. I want to DRY by keeping the URL mapping information in one place only. Unfortunately, the only way I have found to do this involves using uwsgi_modifier 30 , which has been called an ugly hack. Can I avoid that hack? For

How can I avoid uwsgi_modifier1 30 and keep WSGI my application location-independent?

别来无恙 提交于 2021-02-10 20:28:50
问题 I have a WSGI application using CherryPy hosted using uWSGI behind a ngnix server. I would like for the application itself to be "portable". That is, the application should not know or care what URL it is mapped to, and should even work if mapped to multiple different URLs. I want to DRY by keeping the URL mapping information in one place only. Unfortunately, the only way I have found to do this involves using uwsgi_modifier 30 , which has been called an ugly hack. Can I avoid that hack? For

How can I avoid uwsgi_modifier1 30 and keep WSGI my application location-independent?

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2021-02-10 20:28:31
问题 I have a WSGI application using CherryPy hosted using uWSGI behind a ngnix server. I would like for the application itself to be "portable". That is, the application should not know or care what URL it is mapped to, and should even work if mapped to multiple different URLs. I want to DRY by keeping the URL mapping information in one place only. Unfortunately, the only way I have found to do this involves using uwsgi_modifier 30 , which has been called an ugly hack. Can I avoid that hack? For


ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2021-01-13 08:47:51
最近需要使用Python开发web系统,主要用到的框架就是Flask,前端使用Jinja2模板引擎和Bootstrap,web容器使用Cherrypy,其中关于Login管理的使用了Flask-Login插件。 基本上也是从零学起,前前后后花了有好几个月的时间,还是在借鉴了已有的一些项目基础上。在开发的过程中有很多的想法和体会,记录下来,有不对的地方欢迎大家指正。 在处理登录管理的部分,在 Flask-Login 中,如果你不特殊处理的话,session 是在你关闭浏览器之后失效的,而如果不关闭浏览器的话,失效的时间据说是1年,还是1个月,这个地方没看到官方说法,总之是很长,在某些业务场景下这样的处理方式是不能接受的。由于系统的使用者提出了新的需求类似平时的SSO处理机制,大概无任何操作一二十分钟就提示需要再次登录,这样的要求是合理的,之前也没有太注意这个方面的时间,所以就需要回过头来研究Flask-Login的session失效时间和设置问题。以前的登录部分代码: 1 @app.route( ' /login ' , methods=[ ' GET ' , ' POST ' ]) 2 def login(): 3 if request.method == ' GET ' : 4 return render_template( ' login.html ' ) 5 6


僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-10-25 06:35:46
一个更全的cherrypy学习分享链接,包含各个代码: 来源: oschina 链接:


萝らか妹 提交于 2020-09-24 13:52:40
  提及python语言想必大家对它都不是很陌生,尤其是对于一些零基础转行的小白来说,python是首选的编程语言深受大家的喜欢,那么python网站开发哪些框架比较好用?今天这篇文章跟大家一起来分享一下。   Django:因为有了它的存在,很多网站项目才可以成功,从而导致python成为网站开发最常用的编程语言之一。现在国内外有很多知名的网站都是通过python来开发的,Django有强大的XML/JSON处理功能,直观的管理界面、安全可靠的用户权限等优势。   CherryPy:可以同时运行好几个web服务,是比较亮眼的特性之一。CherryPy虽然没有diango多么多模板,而是提供可以导入的库,让程序员可以自由的选择使用或者禁用各种模板、用户权限和数据库。同时它具有强大的插件系统,在平时编程过程中,要形成一套专属自己的工具集合,对自己是很有帮助的。   TurboGears:具有widgets控件,可以很方便的生成一些特定功能,是一种MVC架构的网站开发框架,基于SQLAlchemy,、Ming、 Repoze等一些WSGI组件、 Genshi、Kajiki、 Cheetah、 Myghty等模板引擎和大量的库以及middleware这样的中间件。   Flask:轻量级的框架,拥有众多的扩展工具,可以用来创建基于网站的应用,初学者可以多使用,它代码简单明了

2020年最流行Python web开发框架

故事扮演 提交于 2020-08-11 09:57:56
  Python使用热度正在不断攀升。而且,可见的未来对Python的需求肯定只增不减,并且不会在短期内出现减弱的迹象。可以预见在预计在未来的几年中,Python将超过Java和C#。当今许多大型科技公司,例如Google,Netflix,Instagram,都在选择基于Python框架进行网络开发。   “ Python在过去5年中增长最快,增长了19.0%。实际上,TIOBE索引使python Web应用程序开发在世界上最常用的语言中排名第三。”   连潘石屹都在学的Python,想学好的赶紧用这本书快速上车。大厂老师傅推荐,数百好评的Python学到就能用的好书。   Python是开发者的法宝,框架是开发者效率的不二之选   Python是一种面向对象,功能强大的组合,解释和交互式编程语言。它易于学习且易于阅读的功能有效地减少了开发时间。由于Python不具备加速自定义Web应用程序开发所需的内置功能,因此许多开发人员选择Python强大的框架来进行Web开发。   许多开发人员选择Python强大的框架来进   Python为开发人员提供了广泛的框架。Python框架有两种类型-全栈框架和非全栈框架。全栈框架为开发人员提供了全面支持,其中包括表单生成器,表单验证和模板布局等基本组件。Python开发人员不必为每个项目编写类似的代码,而可以在框架中使用现成的组件