
相识python 之小数据池 集合

99封情书 提交于 2019-11-26 14:49:07
⼀一. ⼩小数据池 在说⼩小数据池之前. 我们先看⼀一个概念念. 什什么是代码块: 根据提示我们从官⽅方⽂文档找到了了这样的说法: A Python program is constructed from code blocks. A block is a piece of Python program text that is executed as a unit. The following are blocks: a module, a function body, and a class definition. Each command typed interactively is a block. A script file (a file given as standard input to the interpreter or specified as a command line argument to the interpreter) is a code block. A script command (a command specified on the interpreter command line with the ‘-c‘ option) is a code block. The string argument passed to the built