
spring oxm入门(包含demo)

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2020-10-25 12:57:55
O/X Mapper 是什么? Spring 3.0 的一个新特性是 O/X Mapper。O/X 映射器这个概念并不新鲜,O 代表 Object,X 代表 XML。它的目的是在 Java 对象(几乎总是一个 plain old Java object,或简写为 POJO)和 XML 文档之间来回转换。 例 如,您可能有一个带有几个属性的简单 bean,且您的业务需要将那个 Java 对象转换为一个 XML 文档。Spring 的 O/X Mapper 能够为您解决那个问题。如果反过来,您需要将一个 XML 文档转换为一个简单 Java bean,Spring 的 O/X Mapper 也能胜任。 有一点需要注意:Spring O/X Mapper 只是定义由流行的第三方框架实现的统一的界面。要利用 Spring 的 O/X 功能,您需要一个在 Java 对象和 XML 之间来回转换的实用程序。Castor 就是这样一个流行的第三方工具,本文将使用这个工具。其他这样的工具包括 XMLBeans、Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB)、JiBX 和 XStream。 编组和解组 进行 O/X 映射时,您经常会看到编组(marshalling)和解组(unmarshalling) 这两个术语。 编组 指将 Java bean 转换成 XML


本秂侑毒 提交于 2020-04-27 16:19:22
曾经被问傻的一道面试题分享给你: 给你1个文件 bigdata ,大小4663M,5亿个数,文件中的数据随机,如下一行一个整数: 6196302 3557681 6121580 2039345 2095006 1746773 7934312 2016371 7123302 8790171 2966901 ... 7005375 现在要对这个文件进行排序,怎么搞? 内部排序 先尝试内排,选2种排序方式: 3路快排: private final int cutoff = 8; public <T> void perform(Comparable<T>[] a) { perform(a,0,a.length - 1); } private <T> int median3(Comparable<T>[] a,int x,int y,int z) { if(lessThan(a[x],a[y])) { if(lessThan(a[y],a[z])) { return y; } else if(lessThan(a[x],a[z])) { return z; }else { return x; } }else { if(lessThan(a[z],a[y])){ return y; }else if(lessThan(a[z],a[x])) { return z; }else { return


半腔热情 提交于 2020-01-06 16:04:06
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 1、编写schema文件,例如:c:\castor\test.xsd。 2、到 网站下载castor-xml.jar(本文使用的是0.9.4版本)及编译所要引用的xerces-2.4.0.jar、xercesImpl.jar( )文件。 3、执行以下脚本生成java文件: java -classpath C:\castor\lib\castor-xml.jar;C:\castor\lib\xerces-2.4.0.jar;C:\castor\lib\xercesImpl.jar;. org.exolab.castor.builder.SourceGenerator -i test.xsd -package com.test.config.vo 4、生成的java文件中自动含包了unmarshal(通过XML文件生成java对象)和marshal(通过java对象生成xml文件)的两个方法。 5、marshal(通过java对象生成xml文件)方法代码如下: public void marshal( out) throws org.exolab.castor.xml

Saxon XSLT-Transformation: How to change serialization of an empty tag from <x/> to <x></x>?

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2020-01-06 08:16:31
问题 I do some XSLT-Transformation using Saxon HE 9.2 with the output later being unmarshalled by Castor 1.3.1 . The whole thing runs with Java at the JDK 6 . My XSLT-Transformation looks like this: <xsl:transform version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:ns="http://my/own/custom/namespace/for/the/target/document"> <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8" indent="no" /> <xsl:template match="/"> <ns:item> <ns:property name="id"> <xsl:value-of select="/some/complicated

Saxon XSLT-Transformation: How to change serialization of an empty tag from <x/> to <x></x>?

随声附和 提交于 2020-01-06 08:16:12
问题 I do some XSLT-Transformation using Saxon HE 9.2 with the output later being unmarshalled by Castor 1.3.1 . The whole thing runs with Java at the JDK 6 . My XSLT-Transformation looks like this: <xsl:transform version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:ns="http://my/own/custom/namespace/for/the/target/document"> <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8" indent="no" /> <xsl:template match="/"> <ns:item> <ns:property name="id"> <xsl:value-of select="/some/complicated

Generate castor xml from xsd

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-24 07:13:51
问题 I am currently using the Jaxb for Marshalling/Unmarshalling. However I need to use castor due to "demands" and use castor xml instead of castor java classes. I found castor's SourceGeneratorMain which generates xsd to java classes, but I cannot find anything that generates castor xml from xsd. I would just type it out but the xsd im working is huge with more than 2500 lines and over a hundered parameter various arrays in there. Im sure Im going to screw up something, if I type it out. Has any

How can I handle Castor unmarshaling of SOAP messages when the namespace is defined inside the operation tag?

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-24 01:19:16
问题 I am developing a contract-first web service based on Spring-WS. I'm relying on Castor marshaling, and I have run into the following issue. Requests are being accepted when the "xmlns" namespace is defined in the Envelope tag, such as: <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns=""> <soap:Header/> <soap:Body> <doPlaceHoldRequest> <hold> <accountInfo> <accountNumber>123456789</accountNumber> </accountInfo> <extended

How change Castor mapping to remove “xmlns:xsi” and “xsi:type” attributes from element in XML output?

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-22 08:02:26
问题 How do I change the Castor mapping <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE mapping PUBLIC "-//EXOLAB/Castor Mapping DTD Version 1.0//EN" ""> <mapping> <class name="java.util.ArrayList" auto-complete="true"> <map-to xml="ArrayList" /> </class> <class name=""> <map-to xml="UserResponse" /> <field name="id" type="java.lang.String"> <bind-xml name="id" node="element" /> </field> <field name="deleted" type="boolean"> <bind-xml name

What is the difference between Castor XML binding and JAXB binding

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-22 03:52:39
问题 What is the difference between Castor XML and JAXB binding since both are binding java object to XML and vice versa. Updated : As using Castor I can do this Assume packageA.ClassA and packageB.ClassA have same attributes and class name just that they were located in different package. packageA.ClassA - > XML -> packageB.ClassA By using JAXB if I am doing this Marshall object packageA.ClassA to XML and from XML unmarshall into object packageB.ClassA I got Casting error. 回答1: Please note that

Can Castor handle class generation from multiple XSDs importing from a base XSD?

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-17 20:26:27
问题 I have several XSDs that reuse the same entities. For example, both the XSDs for the ProductPurchaseRequest.xsd and ProductQuoteRequest.xsd both have a <product> tag in them to describe the product in question. For this reason I created a Product.xsd file to define the <product> tag and both ProductPurchaseRequest.xsd and ProductQuoteRequest.xsd import the Product.xsd with a `. I would like to use Castor to generate Java classes from theses XSDs, and for both of them to use the same class for