
Python in Browser: How to choose between Brython, PyPy.js, Skulpt and Transcrypt?

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-11-27 10:14:35
I'm very excited to see that it is now possible to code Python in the browser. These are the main candidates (please add any I may have overlooked): Brython Skulpt PyPy.js Transcrypt But how to choose between them? The only obvious difference I can see is that Skulpt is based on Python 2, whereas Brython is based on Python 3. Please note: This is not a request for recommendations or opinions. I'm seeking objective facts that would inform an educated choice. fzzylogic Here's some info on Brython vs Transcrypt (July 2016, since Transcrypt was added as an option on this question by the OP),

Best way to integrate Python and JavaScript?

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-11-26 21:28:29
Is it possible to integrate Python and JavaScript? For example, imagine you wanted to be able to define classes in JavaScript and use them from Python (or vice versa). If so, what's the best way? I'm interested not only if this is possible but if anyone has done it within a "serious" project or product . I'm guessing it would be possible using Jython and Rhino , for one example, but I'm curious whether or not anyone's ever actually done this, and if there are solutions for other platforms (especially CPython ). Here's something, a Python wrapper around the SeaMonkey Javascript interpreter...

Python in Browser: How to choose between Brython, PyPy.js, Skulpt and Transcrypt?

若如初见. 提交于 2019-11-26 11:48:27
问题 I\'m very excited to see that it is now possible to code Python in the browser. These are the main candidates (please add any I may have overlooked): Brython Skulpt PyPy.js Transcrypt Pyodide But how to choose between them? The only obvious difference I can see is that Skulpt is based on Python 2, whereas Brython is based on Python 3. Please note: This is not a request for recommendations or opinions. I\'m seeking objective facts that would inform an educated choice. 回答1: Running Python in