

元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-11-02 18:40:35
首先,编译自己的sdk 我自己使用的是LineageOS源码,按照 sdk/docs/howt_build_SDK.txt 文档的说明,只需要下面3个命令即可编译出sdk . build/ lunch sdk-eng make sdk 或者为了加快编译速度,使用make -j8 sdk 但是,在我的环境下面,上面的命令编译并不成功,错误信息忘了,我用下面的方法进行编译 brunch potter 我的测试机型是potter make sdk 上面的命令依然会报错,但是在 out/target/common/obj/PACKAGING/android_jar_intermediates 目录下面,会生成 android.jar 和 android--stubs-src.jar 两个文件,将这个两个文件替换到Android Studio使用的sdk的对应平台目录下面,我使用的是api25,目录为 platforms/android-25/ ,即可使用自己添加的api,也可以将hide的api释放出来,SystemProperties类,这个类使用起来还是很方便的。 使用过程中的问题 由于需要使用自己的api,因此在 build.gradle 文件里,需要将compileSdkVersion和targetSdkVersion的值都修改为编译的api版本,我这里是25

TypeError: require.config is not a function

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-08-01 16:38:09
问题 I am using require.js as part of a brunch project. This code is throwing the error: ;require.config({ // require.config is not a function paths: { jquery: "lib/jquery", underscore: "lib/underscore", backbone: "lib/backbone", localstorage: "lib/backbone.localStorage" } }); Does that mean that requirejs is not getting included properly in the project? 回答1: If you get that error, it could be that: RequireJS is not loaded. This can diagnosed by opening the browser's debugger to look at network

How can I compile individual CoffeeScript files in the assets directory?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2020-01-05 04:59:49
问题 I have an application built in that builds the main framework into app.js, but in my assets folder I have various small coffeescript scripts that need to be compiled individually, and not merged together into one. Is there a way to compile the CS first and then move it to the public folder like everything else in assets? I notice that there are some plugins for doing this exact thing with Jade templates (so you can have .jade files in your assets folder). Would this need to be a new

Brunch build gives error

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-25 14:24:46
问题 I'm trying to setup environment for web application that using branch. After npm install -d I do, brunch build But, receiving following error: 27 Jul 12:08:28 - error: [Error: Cannot find module 'D:\Development\Projects\PathToProject/node_modules/brunch'] If I just create a new project with brunch new proj , build works fine. I would appreciate any ideas, why it might not work. 回答1: I'm not familiar with installing and running on a Win machine, but that sounds suspiciously like brunch is a

Multiple Django apps with each having a react frontend

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-24 04:16:17
问题 I have a Django aplication (+REST framework) with pluggable Django apps (which are discovered using distutils' entry points, and can be developed independetly from each other, and installed via pip). This works well so far. The main app should provide a basic index.html which dynamically loads React components, and each app should be possible to add React components as plugins, which are combined on the frontend then. But: How the heck am I supposed to place my client directories into each

Bootstrap styled button not being applied to Phoenix delete link

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-24 00:54:49
问题 Elixir version: 1.3.2 Phoenix version: 1.2.1 NodeJS version: 4.4.6 NPM version: 3.10.6 Brunch version: 2.7.4 Operating system: Mac OSX I am trying to create what suppose to be a simple link using Phoenix's link helper function. <li><%= link "Logout", to: session_path(@conn, :delete, user), method: :delete %></li> renders <form action="/logout/1" class="link" method="post"> <input name="_method" type="hidden" value="delete"> <input name="_csrf_token" type="hidden" value="VhxiLApJElIS...removed

Using a npm module in a brunch app

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-23 16:09:27
问题 I would like to use this node library: I ran: npm install simply-deferred And added it to package.json under dependencies. "simply-deferred": "*" It installed successfully: > require ("simply-deferred") { Deferred: [Function], when: [Function], installInto: [Function] } But it is not added to vendor.js, and when I run require("simply-defered"), it says module not found (even when i manually added the js file to /vendors. I am quite sure I am missing

Brunch - Requiring modules outside of app directory

你。 提交于 2019-12-23 04:45:21
问题 There have been answers here and here, but they're about using NPM modules whilst my problem involves isomorphic internal code, where I want to share routes between brunch/backbone and node/express. But, if this is a dupe, then apologies in advance! The following code is highly simplified/pseudo, btw. Currently, this works: web/client/app/lib/ Routes = require 'lib/routesList' module.exports = class Router extends Backbone.Router routes: Routes.get() web/client/app/lib/routesList