
How to set bounds for only one parameter

北城以北 提交于 2021-02-11 14:44:13
问题 I'm using curve_fit from scipy.optimize to fit my data. I have a function that fits three parameters (Z1, Z2, Z3). I wannt to provide bounds. However, I'd like to only provide a bound to Z2 (Z2 shall be below 40). I do not want to set bounds for Z1 and Z3. Is that possible? popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, xdata, ydata, p0 = [Z1, Z2, Z3], bounds = ((10, 20, 5), (100, 50, 100,))) # This way I provide bounds to Z1, Z2 and Z3 # I, however, only want to say that Z2 < 40 # Also interesting would be to

Android Studio button positioning

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2021-02-07 10:23:24
问题 I'm trying to set button position to the bottom right corner of the screen. I've tried with this: button.setX(maxX); button.setY(maxY); but the button is invisible because it's off the screen. EDIT: To clarify. I need to find a way to keep my button WITHIN layout when I set its position to maxX and maxY . To prevent it from going out of bounds. So even if I set its position to something like: button.setX(maxX - 10); button.setY(maxY - 10); it wouldn't stick half out of the screen. 回答1: Please

Is it well-defined to use a pointer pointing to one-past-malloc?

我是研究僧i 提交于 2021-02-05 20:14:34
问题 In C, it is perfectly well to make a pointer that points to one past the last element of an array and use it in pointer arithmetics, as long as you don't dereference it: int a[5], *p = a+5, diff = p-a; // Well-defined However, these are UBs: p = a+6; int b = *(a+5), diff = p-a; // Dereferencing and pointer arithmetic Now I have a question: Does this apply to dynamically allocated memory? Assume I'm only using a pointer pointing to one-past-the-last in pointer arithmetics, without

Is it well-defined to use a pointer pointing to one-past-malloc?

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2021-02-05 20:13:19
问题 In C, it is perfectly well to make a pointer that points to one past the last element of an array and use it in pointer arithmetics, as long as you don't dereference it: int a[5], *p = a+5, diff = p-a; // Well-defined However, these are UBs: p = a+6; int b = *(a+5), diff = p-a; // Dereferencing and pointer arithmetic Now I have a question: Does this apply to dynamically allocated memory? Assume I'm only using a pointer pointing to one-past-the-last in pointer arithmetics, without

Is it well-defined to use a pointer pointing to one-past-malloc?

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2021-02-05 20:13:04
问题 In C, it is perfectly well to make a pointer that points to one past the last element of an array and use it in pointer arithmetics, as long as you don't dereference it: int a[5], *p = a+5, diff = p-a; // Well-defined However, these are UBs: p = a+6; int b = *(a+5), diff = p-a; // Dereferencing and pointer arithmetic Now I have a question: Does this apply to dynamically allocated memory? Assume I'm only using a pointer pointing to one-past-the-last in pointer arithmetics, without

Fortran 90 doesn't keep lower/upper array bounds after copy to another allocatable array

孤者浪人 提交于 2021-01-27 12:21:26
问题 This doesn't work program main implicit none integer :: nx = 3 integer :: ny = 5 integer :: nz = 8 real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: A real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: B allocate(A(nx,0:ny,nz) ) ! something with array A and at some point cope a slice of A to B: B = A(:,:,1) ! in this case B is (1:nx, 1: ny+1) end program main The code above automatically allocates B and copies A(:,:,1) to B. However it doesn't keep the lower/upper bound of 0/ny, instead B has its lower bound to

Android maps - Markers Bounds at the center of top half of map area

三世轮回 提交于 2020-02-12 04:55:40
问题 I have Android Map Extension attached under actionBar. I have couple of markers, lets say 2000. Than I have ArrayList of selected 3 markers upon some constant condition, nevermind. I want to zoom and move map to include this selected 3 markers at max possible zoom. It's an easy task, from this forum I found an easy way to do it : LatLngBounds bounds = new LatLngBounds.Builder().include(new LatLng(maxLat, maxLon)).include(new LatLng(minLat, minLon)).build(); mMap.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory

How do i set the height of the UINavigationBar in an iphone app

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-01-22 02:38:05
问题 Im using a typical situation with UINavigationController, id like to make the navigation bar a bit taller. setting its bounds and frame dont seem to make a difference, im using this code //set up the navigation UINavigationController *navigationController = [UINavigationController new]; [navigationController.navigationBar setBarStyle:UIBarStyleBlack]; [navigationController.navigationBar setTintColor:[UIColor purpleColor]]; [navigationController.navigationBar setBounds:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 480

C++: Vector bounds

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2020-01-09 11:05:11
问题 I am coming from Java and learning C++ in the moment. I am using Stroustrup's Progamming Principles and Practice of Using C++. I am working with vectors now. On page 117 he says that accessing a non-existant element of a vector will cause a runtime error (same in Java, index out of bounds). I am using the MinGW compiler and when I compile and run this code: #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <vector> int main() { std::vector<int> v(6); v[8] = 10; std::cout << v[8]; return 0; } It

Center of bounds

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2020-01-05 19:26:22
问题 I have a full screen UIScrollView to display my image, which employ some codes from from apple sample code. I am little confused on the obtaining of the center point of the imageScrollView's bounds. ImageScrollView.m - (CGPoint)pointToCenterAfterRotation { NSLog(@"imageScrollView frame X and Y are %f and %f ",self.frame.origin.x, self.frame.origin.y); NSLog(@"imageScrollView frame Width and Height are %f and %f ",self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.height); NSLog(@