
What does ''HmacAuthV1Handler' object has no attribute 'presign'' mean?

北城余情 提交于 2021-01-29 12:52:50
问题 I want to use boto2 (2.49) to create a presigned url that uses Sign v4. Here is my function: c = S3Connection(access_key, secret_key) return c.generate_url_sigv4( expires_in=long(expiry), method='PUT', bucket=bucket, key=path ) When I run it, I got this error: 2019-06-18 12:57:51,002 boto [DEBUG]:Using access key provided by client. 2019-06-18 12:57:51,002 boto [DEBUG]:Using secret key provided by client. Traceback (most recent call last): File "scripts/", line 42, in <module> main

S3 Python Download with Progress Bar

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2021-01-29 08:55:09
问题 Couldn't comment on the initial thread where I adapted this code (Track download progress of S3 file using boto3 and callbacks) so hopefully someone can help me here. I was able to use this code to show a progress bar for file uploads, now I need the do the same thing for file downloads from AWS S3. Any help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED! I know I need to get the size of the file from S3 instead of from the local file system. I'm sure there is some silly code I need to adjust to make this work

Running python with boto2 as an AWS Lambda function

十年热恋 提交于 2021-01-28 07:29:02
问题 I am using a python script from github to run on AWS lambda. I realized that the import boto statements are not working while running inside lambda. Is there way to instruct lambda to load boto2 as well? 回答1: OK, all I had to do was install boto using "pip install module-name -t /path/to/project-dir" per the docs: Then zipped the files needed for lambda and uploaded. 来源:

Python - creating aws lambda deployment package

五迷三道 提交于 2021-01-27 10:42:04
问题 I want to script updating code for my AWS Lambda using a Fabric task. Boto3 api expects a byte array of base-64 encoded zip file. What would be the simplest way to create it assuming I have the source code files as the input? 回答1: With the current boto3, don't unzip it, don't base64 encode it. You can do it with an open and a read like this: import boto3 c = boto3.client('lambda') c.create_function({ 'FunctionName': 'your_function', 'Handler': 'your_handler', 'Runtime': 'python3.6', 'Code': {

How to get messages receive count in Amazon SQS using boto library in Python?

孤者浪人 提交于 2020-12-29 04:13:06
问题 I am using boto library in Python to get Amazon SQS messages. In exceptional cases I don't delete messages from queue in order to give a couple of more changes to recover temporary failures. But I don't want to keep receiving failed messages constantly. What I would like to do is either delete messages after receiving more than 3 times or not get message if receive count is more than 3. What is the most elegant way of doing it? 回答1: There are at least a couple of ways of doing this. When you

How to get messages receive count in Amazon SQS using boto library in Python?

旧时模样 提交于 2020-12-29 04:10:51
问题 I am using boto library in Python to get Amazon SQS messages. In exceptional cases I don't delete messages from queue in order to give a couple of more changes to recover temporary failures. But I don't want to keep receiving failed messages constantly. What I would like to do is either delete messages after receiving more than 3 times or not get message if receive count is more than 3. What is the most elegant way of doing it? 回答1: There are at least a couple of ways of doing this. When you

How to get messages receive count in Amazon SQS using boto library in Python?

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2020-12-29 04:10:18
问题 I am using boto library in Python to get Amazon SQS messages. In exceptional cases I don't delete messages from queue in order to give a couple of more changes to recover temporary failures. But I don't want to keep receiving failed messages constantly. What I would like to do is either delete messages after receiving more than 3 times or not get message if receive count is more than 3. What is the most elegant way of doing it? 回答1: There are at least a couple of ways of doing this. When you


南笙酒味 提交于 2020-12-23 19:25:17
点击蓝色“ Python空间 ”关注我丫 加个“ 星标 ”,每天一起快乐的学习 译者:天天向上 英文原文: 在本教程中,你将学习如何使用不同的Python模块从web下载文件。此外,你将下载常规文件、web页面、Amazon S3和其他资源。 最后,你将学习如何克服可能遇到的各种挑战,例如下载重定向的文件、下载大型文件、完成一个多线程下载以及其他策略。 使用Requests 你可以使用requests模块从一个URL下载文件。 考虑以下代码: 你只需使用requests模块的get方法获取URL,并将结果存储到一个名为“myfile”的变量中。然后,将这个变量的内容写入文件。 使用wget 你还可以使用Python的wget模块从一个URL下载文件。你可以使用pip按以下命令安装wget模块: 考虑以下代码,我们将使用它下载Python的logo图像。 在这段代码中,URL和路径(图像将存储在其中)被传递给wget模块的download方法。 下载重定向的文件 在本节中,你将学习如何使用requests从一个URL下载文件,该URL会被重定向到另一个带有一个.pdf文件的URL。该URL看起来如下: 要下载这个pdf文件


南笙酒味 提交于 2020-12-23 19:02:38
在本教程中,你将学习如何使用不同的Python模块从web下载文件。此外,你将下载常规文件、web页面、Amazon S3和其他资源。 最后,你将学习如何克服可能遇到的各种挑战,例如下载重定向的文件、下载大型文件、完成一个多线程下载以及其他策略。 使用Requests 你可以使用requests模块从一个URL下载文件。 考虑以下代码: 你只需使用requests模块的get方法获取URL,并将结果存储到一个名为“myfile”的变量中。然后,将这个变量的内容写入文件。 使用wget 你还可以使用Python的wget模块从一个URL下载文件。你可以使用pip按以下命令安装wget模块: 考虑以下代码,我们将使用它下载Python的logo图像。 在这段代码中,URL和路径(图像将存储在其中)被传递给wget模块的download方法。 下载重定向的文件 在本节中,你将学习如何使用requests从一个URL下载文件,该URL会被重定向到另一个带有一个.pdf文件的URL。该URL看起来如下: 要下载这个pdf文件,请使用以下代码: 在这段代码中,我们第一步指定的是URL。然后,我们使用request模块的get方法来获取该URL。在get方法中,我们将allow_redirects设置为True,这将允许URL中的重定向,并且重定向后的内容将被分配给变量myfile。 最后

How to gzip while uploading into s3 using boto

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2020-12-01 09:25:29
问题 I have a large local file. I want to upload a gzipped version of that file into S3 using the boto library. The file is too large to gzip it efficiently on disk prior to uploading, so it should be gzipped in a streamed way during the upload. The boto library knows a function set_contents_from_file() which expects a file-like object it will read from. The gzip library knows the class GzipFile which can get an object via the parameter named fileobj ; it will write to this object when compressing