

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2020-04-19 23:03:08
前一阵做了个安卓6的固件, 在R3300L和Q7上跑的, 其他问题没有, 但是有用户反映原来的遥控器用不了了, 于是检查了一下遥控器配置, 顺便学习一下此类设备的红外遥控机制. 为了方便测试还上淘宝买了六个遥控器. Amlogic电视盒子的红外遥控配置 相关的配置文件有 /system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl /system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_0001_Product_0001.kl /system/etc/remote.conf 或 /system/etc/remote1.conf Generic.kl文件 Generic key layout file for full alphabetic US English PC style external keyboards. This file is intentionally very generic and is intended to support a broad rang of keyboards. Do not edit the generic key layout to support a specific keyboard; instead, create a new key layout file with the required keyboard