
Multiple Base Addresses and Multiple Endpoints in WCF

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-04 20:26:29
I'm using two bindings TCP and HTTP. I want to give mex data on both bindings. What I want is that the mexHttpBinding only exposes the HTTP services while the mexTcpBinding exposes TCP services only. Or is this possible that I access stats service only from HTTP binding and the eventLogging service from TCP? For Example: For TCP I should only have net.tcp://localhost:9001/ABC/mex net.tcp://localhost:9001/ABC/eventLogging For HTTP http://localhost:9002/ABC/stats http://localhost:9002/ABC/mex When I connect with any of the base address (using the WCF Test Client) I'm able to access all the

Finding the correct baseaddress

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-04 04:10:15
I realized that my version of getting the correct baseaddress was wrong Process[] iexp = Process.GetProcessesByName("Solitaire"); if (iexp.Length == 0) { //EXIT } Process internet = iexp[0]; uint baseAddress = (uint)internet.MainModule.BaseAddress.ToInt64(); but the baseaddress is wrong I also looked in MSDN but this code is very strange and gives me an infinite loop. I hope you can help me because I can't find any example. EDIT : ReadProcessMemory(readHandle, ((IntPtr)(((baseAddress) + 0x14) + 0x50)), bytes, (UIntPtr)4, ref rw); Here i made an image of my desktop. Im realy confused, maybe

DLLs, memory mapping, base address, memory usage, and .NET?

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-02 21:03:42
Before I start with the real question, let me just say that I might get some of the details here wrong. If so, please arrest me on those as well as, or even instead of answering my question. My question is about DLLs and .NET, basically. We have an application that is using quite a bit of memory and we're trying to figure out how to measure this correctly, especially when the problem mainly occurs on clients' computers. One thing that hit me is that we have some rather large .NET assemblies with generated ORM-code. If I were using an unmanaged (Win32) DLL that had a unique base-address,

What is the Base Address Register (BAR) in PCIe?

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-01 03:06:44
After going through some basics documents what I understood is, Base Address Register is Address space which can be accessed by PCIe IP. PCIe IP can either transmit data in Base Address Register or it can write received data on to it. Am I right? Or missing anything? Paebbels I think this is a very basic question and I would suggest to read: PCI Express Base 3.1 Specification ( or PCI Express Technology 3.0 (MindShare Press) book A Base Address Register (BAR) is used to: - specify how much memory a device wants to be mapped into main memory, and - after device enumeration, it holds

Can several WCF services share a common BaseAddress?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-11-30 02:12:55
I've got an assembly containing several WCF services, each with its own contract. It all works nicely. The service config in the app.config for the service looks like this: <services> <service behaviorConfiguration="WcfService.AlyzaServiceBehavior" name="Sam.Alyza.WcfService.ServiceWebsites"> <endpoint address="" binding="netTcpBinding" contract="Sam.Alyza.WcfInterface.IServiceWebsites"> <identity> <dns value="localhost" /> </identity> </endpoint> <endpoint address="mex" binding="mexTcpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" /> <host> <baseAddresses> <add baseAddress="net.tcp://localhost:8731

How to get the starting/base address of a process in C++?

你。 提交于 2019-11-27 20:55:02
I'm testing this whole base/static pointer thing by using it on Microsoft's Spider Solitaire. So I got the base pointer of the amount of "moves" the player has used, and cheat engine tells me it's "SpiderSolitaire.exe+B5F78". So now I'm stuck on how to figure out what the starting address is of SpiderSolitaire.exe (of course this changes every time the program starts). How do I find the starting address of SpiderSolitaire.exe so I can add the offsets and get the real address of the "moves" value (in c++ of course)? Here's another way, written in Visual Studio 2015 but should be backwards

How to get the starting/base address of a process in C++?

北城以北 提交于 2019-11-26 22:59:25
问题 I'm testing this whole base/static pointer thing by using it on Microsoft's Spider Solitaire. So I got the base pointer of the amount of "moves" the player has used, and cheat engine tells me it's "SpiderSolitaire.exe+B5F78". So now I'm stuck on how to figure out what the starting address is of SpiderSolitaire.exe (of course this changes every time the program starts). How do I find the starting address of SpiderSolitaire.exe so I can add the offsets and get the real address of the "moves"

EXE or DLL Image base address

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-11-26 16:44:12
问题 Is there a way in C++/windows to get the exe/DLL image base address? thanks :) 回答1: If you load the binary into your own process you can use GetModuleHandle. It returns a HMODULE, but that is the same as HINSTANCE and the base address. If you want to know what base address the binary prefers you should read the PE header. See here and look for the ImageBase field in IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER. Edit: GetModuleHandle(NULL) will return the base address (altough the specified type is HMODULE) for the