
Unable to “Peek” messages from an Azure Service Bus Queue using AMQP and Node [duplicate]

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2020-01-14 03:22:27
问题 This question already has an answer here : Getting “amqp:internal-error” when peeking messages from Azure Service Bus Queue using AMQP, rhea and Node (1 answer) Closed 2 years ago . I'm trying to "Peek" messages from an Azure Service Bus queue using nodeamqp10 library but unfortunately I am not able to do so. Here's the code I am using: const AMQPClient = require('amqp10/lib').Client, Policy = require('amqp10/lib').Policy; const protocol = 'amqps'; const keyName = 'MyPolicy'; const sasKey =

Azure ServiceBus Token Expired

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2020-01-04 13:25:12
问题 I am accessing Azure ServiceBus using NodeJS and it worked fine for several days. All of a sudden, I started receiving an error Subscription Deletion Error :Error: 401 - ExpiredToken: . TrackingId:xxxxxx-xxxxxxx,TimeStamp:4/8/2015 12:32:54 PM I am using the connection string to connect to ServiceBus var azure = require('azure'); var serviceBusConnectionString = "Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=mykey"; var

Can Azure Service Bus client connect to ActiveMQ AMQP queues?

折月煮酒 提交于 2020-01-04 07:53:31
问题 Can Microsoft Azure Service Bus 3.1.7 API be used to connect to ActiveMQ AMQP queues, or only to Service Bus AMQP queues? 回答1: No. It works only for the SB. AMQP .NET lite is the solution to work with SB or any other brokers. 来源:

Can Azure Service Bus client connect to ActiveMQ AMQP queues?

风格不统一 提交于 2020-01-04 07:53:06
问题 Can Microsoft Azure Service Bus 3.1.7 API be used to connect to ActiveMQ AMQP queues, or only to Service Bus AMQP queues? 回答1: No. It works only for the SB. AMQP .NET lite is the solution to work with SB or any other brokers. 来源:

Azure Service Bus “ReceiveAsync”

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2020-01-01 19:06:28
问题 Is there a way, using the Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus package, to wait on your current thread to receive a message from a queue? This may more be a problem with my understanding and a desire to use the technology in a way it is not intended to be used, but what I would like to do is combine the send and receive examples from the following Microsoft example so that you can send message(s) off to various queues, and be able to listen in and handle "replies" (just messages that you're listening

Azure Service Bus “ReceiveAsync”

荒凉一梦 提交于 2020-01-01 19:06:05
问题 Is there a way, using the Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus package, to wait on your current thread to receive a message from a queue? This may more be a problem with my understanding and a desire to use the technology in a way it is not intended to be used, but what I would like to do is combine the send and receive examples from the following Microsoft example so that you can send message(s) off to various queues, and be able to listen in and handle "replies" (just messages that you're listening

Azure Service Bus Queue: Can I manage/cancel scheduled messages?

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-24 21:00:07
问题 If I schedule a message in the future using something like this: d = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=5) task = {"some": "object"} sbs.send_queue_message( qn, Message( task, broker_properties={'ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtc': d} ) ) Then is there a way that I can view/delete messages that have been scheduled? send_queue_message doesn't return anything, and receive_queue_message understandably doesn't return items that are scheduled to be queued later - so I can't get hold of it to pass to

How to route message to Service bus queue using routing query?

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-24 16:56:52
问题 I have an IoT hub with connected devices which sends telemetry messages. I want to read messages from each device separately, so I decided to create a different endpoint for each device. For sorting messages I use routes with query, but when I add a query rule to the route, messages stop going to the endpoint. Connected device uses MQTT. Screenshots are below: Endpoint Routes toMyEndpoint route 回答1: Your query expression is correct. But make sure you set content type and content encoding like

How to set auto-scaling for kubernetes (both in same node and scale out) by using Azure Pipelines?

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-24 05:49:28
问题 I would like to set auto-scaling feature in Azure Pipelines for deployment of containers with Kubernetes. How can I do that if I want to auto-scaling by below rules: depeneds on no. of messages in ServiceBus message queue it will scale inside a node first (better to set maximum pods in node as it depends on thread no.?) if reach maximum pods in a node, then it will scale out to use another node (can scale to use maximum pods of node as well?i.e. 3 pods for 1 node, 6 pods for 2 nodes without

In-order message processing on serverless Azure Functions using Logic Apps

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-24 04:12:09
问题 I need to process incoming messages on Azure. Each message will be associated with a specific entity – say, through an EntityId property – and messages belonging to the same entity must be processed in-order with respect to each other. At the same time, I would to preserve the serverless aspect of Azure Functions; if I have steady streams of messages for 1,000 entities, I'd like to have 1,000 concurrent executions of my function. I haven't found a clean way of achieving this. Service Bus