
Nginx RTMP streaming is not reaching the RTMP endpoint

别来无恙 提交于 2021-01-28 23:17:06
问题 I'm trying to redirect an RTMP streaming from my pc into Ngninx using the nginx-rtmp-module following the examples to redirect the stream into an Azure Media Service live event. But it won't detect the encoder. I'm using the following nginx.conf: events {} rtmp { server { listen 1935; chunk_size 4096; application live { live on; record off; push rtmp://; } } } My OBS is configured to stream to rtmp:// with a stream key

Download asset file from asset in Azure media service

痴心易碎 提交于 2021-01-28 06:43:13
问题 I have an issue. I have an asset in the azure media service. The asset contains an asset file. I would like to know how to download the asset file. I'm using httparty gem for this. HTTParty.get(https://<host>.restv2.<location>'<file_id>'), headers: headers) The headers have the authorization value. The above request gives the metadata of the asset file but I would like to download the asset file. Can anyone please help. Thanks. I have gone through the below

Container name for media asset on Azure Media Services

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2021-01-28 02:56:26
问题 How do I set the name of the container when creating an asset for Windows Azure Media Services? Calling my CloudMediaContext like this to create a new asset creates a new container in blob storage with the name "asset-[newGuid]" e.g. "asset-f230411a-22a0-4813-9187-4b815dbfdf12". var assetName = "foobar"; var asset = _mediaContext.Assets.Create(assetName, assetCreationOptions); Background info on the call above by Nick Drouin (who works at MS on AMS) "Under the hood, the call above will:

Azure Media Services and HTML5 Video

为君一笑 提交于 2021-01-27 09:25:45
问题 I want to use Azure Media Services to allow my users to upload a video (in any file format -- supported by the media services of course) and then perform the following steps: Create MP4, WEBM, and OGV converted endpoints to allow any browser to stream the video Create a thumbnail for the video by selected a random frame Is this possible? 回答1: WEBM and OGV are not supported by Windows Azure Media Encoder. You can find a list a available presets here :

Why does Azure Media Services v3 job fail when submitting an encoded URL to JobInputHttp?

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-12-15 05:58:11
问题 When submitting urls to the JobInputHttp class to use an uploaded video as a media source, the job fails if the url is encoded because the file name has spaces? For encoding I am just using encodeURI() to replace the spaces character with %20 using JavaScript before sending it to the web server. File is uploaded to blob storage from client side. I am able to view the video from azure portal so it is being uploaded correctly. After the video is uploaded a stream attempts to be created by

Why does Azure Media Services v3 job fail when submitting an encoded URL to JobInputHttp?

我的梦境 提交于 2020-12-15 05:58:06
问题 When submitting urls to the JobInputHttp class to use an uploaded video as a media source, the job fails if the url is encoded because the file name has spaces? For encoding I am just using encodeURI() to replace the spaces character with %20 using JavaScript before sending it to the web server. File is uploaded to blob storage from client side. I am able to view the video from azure portal so it is being uploaded correctly. After the video is uploaded a stream attempts to be created by