
Pass parameter to Azure CLI Task in DevOps

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2021-02-20 13:26:49
问题 How do you pass a parameter to an Azure CLI Task in Azure DevOps? Take the very basic example of showing basic info about a VM. A basic CLI command would be: az vm show --name myVM --resource-group dev -o table Now if I wanted to parameterize that command, so that I could pass in the VM Name, who would i do it? I've tried creating a CLI Task as both an in-line script and a file, passing parameters using the Azure DevOps Argument builder, but nothing seems to work. The parameter looks like

az storage account network-rule not working for Microsoft Hosted agent(Azure DevOps)

谁都会走 提交于 2021-02-19 09:01:38
问题 I have to delete all the files in azure blob storage(specific container) automatically via azure release pipelines. So I have configured a task to get the IP address of Microsoft agent dynamically and add the IP address into blob Firewall. Below script working successfully sometimes, but I'm not able to see the IP in the Firewall list. Also same script is failing many times and throwing a error like The request may be blocked by network rules of storage account. Please check network rule set

az storage account network-rule not working for Microsoft Hosted agent(Azure DevOps)

雨燕双飞 提交于 2021-02-19 09:01:19
问题 I have to delete all the files in azure blob storage(specific container) automatically via azure release pipelines. So I have configured a task to get the IP address of Microsoft agent dynamically and add the IP address into blob Firewall. Below script working successfully sometimes, but I'm not able to see the IP in the Firewall list. Also same script is failing many times and throwing a error like The request may be blocked by network rules of storage account. Please check network rule set

Can I access multiple azure accounts with azure-cli from the same machine at same time?

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2021-02-16 08:45:50
问题 We actually have multiple azure accounts (for some valid reason) and I want to be able to run azure-cli commands for different accounts at the same time from the same machine. The problem with that is, once I login to one azure account with azure login , token will be stored in ~/.azure directory so I am not sure if I can login into another account exactly at the same time on that machine. Is there any way to tell azure-cli not to store token in local profile so that I can use azure-cli to

Can I access multiple azure accounts with azure-cli from the same machine at same time?

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2021-02-16 08:45:08
问题 We actually have multiple azure accounts (for some valid reason) and I want to be able to run azure-cli commands for different accounts at the same time from the same machine. The problem with that is, once I login to one azure account with azure login , token will be stored in ~/.azure directory so I am not sure if I can login into another account exactly at the same time on that machine. Is there any way to tell azure-cli not to store token in local profile so that I can use azure-cli to

Add Graph API via az ad app permission fails

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2021-02-11 06:16:14
问题 I'm attempting to add the Graph API via CLI 2.x. Here is the PowerShell script I'm running: # # (1) Register the app, replyUrl, enable implicitflow # Write-Host " - Create Application " + $appName az ad app create --display-name "$appName" --reply-urls "$replyUrl" --oauth2-allow-implicit-flow true # # (2) get the app id into a variable # $appId=$(az ad app list --display-name $appName --query [].appId -o tsv) # # (3) API Permissions, add Graph API/Permission (delegated)
 # Write-Host " - Add

Add Graph API via az ad app permission fails

强颜欢笑 提交于 2021-02-11 06:14:59
问题 I'm attempting to add the Graph API via CLI 2.x. Here is the PowerShell script I'm running: # # (1) Register the app, replyUrl, enable implicitflow # Write-Host " - Create Application " + $appName az ad app create --display-name "$appName" --reply-urls "$replyUrl" --oauth2-allow-implicit-flow true # # (2) get the app id into a variable # $appId=$(az ad app list --display-name $appName --query [].appId -o tsv) # # (3) API Permissions, add Graph API/Permission (delegated)
 # Write-Host " - Add

Stream Analytics Job deployed as Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template

瘦欲@ 提交于 2021-02-10 18:49:29
问题 I am trying to setup an output EventHub for a Stream Analytics Job defined as a JSON template. Without the output bit the template is successfully deployed, however when adding the output definition it fails with: Deployment failed. Correlation ID: <SOME_UUID>. { "code": "BadRequest", "message": "The JSON provided in the request body is invalid. Property 'eventHubName' value 'parameters('eh_name')' is not acceptable.", "details": { "code": "400", "message": "The JSON provided in the request

How to setup oauth2AllowIdTokenImplicitFlow in azure AD application from console?

元气小坏坏 提交于 2021-02-08 11:21:34
问题 Is there any way to change property oauth2AllowIdTokenImplicitFlow in azure AD application via Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell? 回答1: The built-in Powershell or CLI does not support to set the oauth2AllowIdTokenImplicitFlow currently. Also, it seems the property just could be found in the manifest of the AD App, I could not find it in any doc(including the MS Graph or Azure AD Graph). But per my test, you could set the oauth2AllowIdTokenImplicitFlow via Azure AD Graph API. There are two ways for

push updates from azure to github

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2021-02-02 08:38:38
问题 i am new to azure devops and facing problem to integrate between azure devops and github, may be you could help. my question is how can i push commits that are done on the azure devop repo to corresponding repo which resides on my github account? For example: 1)i import a file from github private repo 2)i make changes to in azure devops repo and commits it. 3)now all the commits i made to on master branch of azure repo should be pushed to of master branch in my