
Upload CodeBuild artifacts *if* they exist

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2021-01-24 09:39:06
问题 I have a simple CodeBuild spec that defines artifacts to be uploaded after tests run: artifacts: files: - cypress/**/*.png discard-paths: yes These artifacts are only generated if the test-action fails (a screenshot is captured of the failing test screen) and are being successfully uploaded to S3. In the case that tests succeed, no .png files will be generated and the CodeBuild action fails: [Container] 2018/09/21 20:06:34 Expanding cypress/**/*.png [Container] 2018/09/21 20:06:34 Phase

Aws Code pipeline is failing at Deployment stage by timing out

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-12-27 06:04:26
问题 I am trying to work my way to have a ci/cd for the Api part of the application. I have 3 steps: 1: Source (git hub version2) 2: Build (currently has no commands) 3: Deploy(provider is code deploy(application)) Here is the screenshot of the events in code deploy. . While creating the Deployment Group. I chose the option of downloading the code deploy provider from the option(though it was necessary). While setting up the code pipeline chose Felt that was appropriate. This code pipeline has put

Pass AWS CodeBuild IAM Role inside Docker container [unable to locate credentials]

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-12-15 04:26:16
问题 The role configured on CodeBuild project works fine with the runtime environment but doesn't work when we run a command from inside the container, it says "unable to locate credentials". Let me know how can we use the role out of the box inside the container. 回答1: You can make use of credential source "EcsContainer" to assume role seamlessly without having to export new credentials in your buildspec.yml. credential_source - The credential provider to use to get credentials for the initial

Pass parameters from AWS lambda to AWS CodePipeline

佐手、 提交于 2020-12-13 04:16:50
问题 I have a lambda that is initiating a CodePipeline execution via the AWS SDK startPipelineExecution function. Is there any mechanism available to pass a parameter to the CodePipeline build so that it may use the value within the CodeBuild build as an environment variable? 回答1: Currently CodePipeline does not provide any functionality for passing parameters into the Source Stage. Depending on the CodePipeline setup, I would look into one of the following: From your Lambda function, save the

Pass parameters from AWS lambda to AWS CodePipeline

橙三吉。 提交于 2020-12-13 04:16:25
问题 I have a lambda that is initiating a CodePipeline execution via the AWS SDK startPipelineExecution function. Is there any mechanism available to pass a parameter to the CodePipeline build so that it may use the value within the CodeBuild build as an environment variable? 回答1: Currently CodePipeline does not provide any functionality for passing parameters into the Source Stage. Depending on the CodePipeline setup, I would look into one of the following: From your Lambda function, save the