
How to augment an AVL tree?

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2021-02-16 20:59:34
问题 I want to augment an avl tree to add extra properties to each node such as number of nodes it contains (i.e. in its subtree). From this avl java implementation code here http://www.blackbam.at/blackbams-blog/2012/05/04/avl-tree-implementation-in-java/ I want to add certain code to it, so that each node will contain a size element. In the AvlNode class, I changed it to: /** Here is the AVL-Node class for Completenesse **/ public class AvlNode { public AvlNode left; public AvlNode right; public

How to augment an AVL tree?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2021-02-16 20:56:10
问题 I want to augment an avl tree to add extra properties to each node such as number of nodes it contains (i.e. in its subtree). From this avl java implementation code here http://www.blackbam.at/blackbams-blog/2012/05/04/avl-tree-implementation-in-java/ I want to add certain code to it, so that each node will contain a size element. In the AvlNode class, I changed it to: /** Here is the AVL-Node class for Completenesse **/ public class AvlNode { public AvlNode left; public AvlNode right; public

Which is faster, sorting a vector, then putting it into an AVL tree, or inputting it directly?

邮差的信 提交于 2021-02-11 09:55:27
问题 So here's the situation: I have millions, possibly billions, of strings that I am trying to parse and put into a sorted structure, lets say I have 5,000,000 strings. I'm trying to write a fast program that can put all of these strings from an unsorted vector into an ordered data structure that can also search the structure fast, thus the reasoning for the AVL tree (which eventually I plan to use a hash table of a-z for even faster lookup, but that comes later). I get all of the strings into a

Job Interview Question Using Trees, What data to save?

泄露秘密 提交于 2021-01-21 11:38:04
问题 I was solving the following job interview question and solved most of it but failed at the last requirement. Q: Build a data structure which supports the following functions: Init - Initialise Empty DS. O(1) Time complexity. SetPositiveInDay(d,x) - Add to the DS that in day d exactly x new people were infected with covid-19. O(log n)Time complexity. WorseBefore(d) - From the days inserted into the DS and smaller than d return the last one which has more newly infected people than d. O(log n

Amortized Time Calculation in AVL tree

旧巷老猫 提交于 2020-12-27 07:24:49
问题 My professor showed the following problem in class and mentioned that the answer is O(1) while mine was quit different, I hope to get some help knowing of what mistakes did I made. Question: Calculate the Amortized Time Complexity for F method in AVL tree, when we start from the minimal node and each time we call F over the last found member. Description of F: when we are at specific node F continues just like inorder traversal starting from the current one until the next one in inorder

C - Compare Pointers From Different Allocations?

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2020-06-25 07:03:50
问题 I have implemented an AVL tree in C. Only later did I read that pointer comparison is only valid between objects in the same array. In my implementation, I do certain equality tests. For example, to test whether a node is a right child of a parent I might test node==node->parent->right . However, the nodes are allocated as needed, not in a contiguous chunk. Is this behavior defined? How would you write this code instead if it is not? 回答1: For equality and inequality, in the standard (ISO/IEC

Find the median in two AVL BSTs in O(log(n))

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-04-16 04:54:54
问题 So im attempting the classic problem of finding the median in two AVL BST's in O(log(n)) time. Given two AVLs, with a combined size of n (integers are distributed randomly i.e. one may have n-1 elements with the other having 1). I am currently trying to come up with an algorithm to solve this. Each node, besides holding its integer value and pointers to its parent and child nodes, holds the size of the subtree for the subtree rooted at it. I've approached it by initially finding the number of

Find the median in two AVL BSTs in O(log(n))

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-04-16 04:54:44
问题 So im attempting the classic problem of finding the median in two AVL BST's in O(log(n)) time. Given two AVLs, with a combined size of n (integers are distributed randomly i.e. one may have n-1 elements with the other having 1). I am currently trying to come up with an algorithm to solve this. Each node, besides holding its integer value and pointers to its parent and child nodes, holds the size of the subtree for the subtree rooted at it. I've approached it by initially finding the number of

Height difference between leaves in an AVL tree

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2020-02-23 10:35:08
问题 What is the maximum difference between any two leaves in an AVL tree? If I take an example, my tree becomes unbalanced, if the height difference is more than 2(for any two leaves), but the answer is the difference can be any value. I really don't understand, how this is possible.Can anyone explain with examples? 回答1: The difference in levels of any two leaves can be any value! Definition of AVL describes height difference only on two sub-trees from one node. So you need to fill subtrees with