

霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-02-07 21:19:40
一、大数据spark 跟着b站的尚硅谷大数据往后学习了7个知识点 视频号:av62992342 内容:学习了行动算子与task执行序列化 课程学习进度:47/126 二、《一线架构师实践指南》阅读 阅读了第七章 Conceptual Architecture总论 一、大数据spark 跟着b站的尚硅谷大数据往后学习了7个知识点 视频号:av62992342 内容:学习了行动算子与task执行序列化 课程学习进度:47/126 二、《一线架构师实践指南》阅读 阅读了第七章 Conceptual Architecture总论 一、大数据spark 跟着b站的尚硅谷大数据往后学习了7个知识点 视频号:av62992342 内容:学习了行动算子与task执行序列化 课程学习进度:47/126 二、《一线架构师实践指南》阅读 阅读了第七章 Conceptual Architecture总论 一、大数据spark 跟着b站的尚硅谷大数据往后学习了7个知识点 视频号:av62992342 内容:学习了行动算子与task执行序列化 课程学习进度:47/126 二、《一线架构师实践指南》阅读 阅读了第七章 Conceptual Architecture总论 来源:


旧巷老猫 提交于 2020-02-05 11:05:59
今天下午从两点一直开会到6点……emmmmmm,脑子都快宕机啦。赶紧趁还有一些记忆的时候记录一下,虽然记录的内容很简单,但是也还是有用的吧。 先祭出一张zxx师兄总结的10篇NAS方向的论文,码住待看。 Multinomial Distribution Learning for Effective Nueral Architecture Search 论文要点 :将搜索空间看作一个联合多项式分布,进而提出一种多项式分布学习方法来提高NAS的效率。(They propose a Multinomial Distribution Learning for extremely effective NAS, which considers the search space as a joint multinomial distribution) 经验假设 :训练神经网络时,若前期的神经网络表现较好,则该神经网络在后期的表现也会很好。如下图: 算法步骤 :如下图: 1) 根据概率分布选择一个operation。 2) 通过前向和反向传播训练当前的网络。 3) 测试并记录当前网络在验证集上的表现。 4)根据提出的分布学习算法更新得到的分布参数。 思路创新 :区别于传统的DARTS方法(我的理解就是relation啦,也是需要维护一套参数,不过要将每个参数和operation对应起来

What is the best way to migrate an existing messy webapp to elegant MVC? [closed]

房东的猫 提交于 2020-02-02 03:32:05
问题 Closed . This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago . I joined a new company about a month ago. The company is rather small in size and has pretty strong "start-up" feel to it. I'm working as a Java developer on a team of 3 others. The company primarily sells a service to for businesses/business-type people to use in communicating

Develop a clock and workers in node.js on heroku

霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-02-02 03:02:53
问题 I'm working on a service that needs to analyze data from social media networks every five minutes for different users. I'm developing it in node.js and I will implement it on Heroku. According to this article on Heroku website, the best way to do that is separating the logic of the scheduler from the logic of the worker. In fact, the idea is to have one dyno dedicated to schedule tasks to avoid duplication. This dyno instructs a farm of workers (n dynos as needed) to do the tasks. Here is the

【Deep Learning】Pointer Networks

安稳与你 提交于 2020-02-01 03:01:51
Pointer Networks TLDR; The authors propose a new architecture called “Pointer Network”. A Pointer Network is a seq2seq architecture with attention mechanism where the output vocabulary is the set of input indices. Since the output vocabulary varies based on input sequence length, a Pointer Network can generalize to variable-length inputs. The attention method trough which this is achieved is O(n^2), and only a sight variation of the standard seq2seq attention mechanism. The authors evaluate the architecture on tasks where the outputs correspond to positions of the inputs: Convex Hull, Delaunay

Oracle Fusion and Oracle Fusion Applications : Overview

无人久伴 提交于 2020-01-29 12:44:43
>>So WHAT IS "ORACLE FUSION"? People often get confuse with this term .To start with, it will be a good idea to know the difference between Fusion Applications and Middleware. Oracle Fusion is composed of two parts: Fusion middle ware and Fusion applications. 人们通常混淆这个术语,从这里开始,给大家一个好的办法区分" Fusion Applications"和" Middleware", Oracle Fusion 包含2个部分: Fusion middle ware and Fusion applications Oracle Fusion Middle ware aka FMW : Comprises of the Oracle Application Server and other technology stack components that Oracle has acquired in past few years.Fusion Middleware is a family of middleware

Design pattern for loading multiple message types

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2020-01-29 09:38:26
问题 As I was looking through SO I came across a question about handling multiple message types. My concern is - how do I load such a message in a neat way? I decided to have a separate class with a method which loads one message each time it's invoked. This method should create a new instance of a concrete message type (say AlphaMessage, BetaMessage, GammaMessage, etc.) and return it as a Message. class MessageLoader { public Message Load() { // ... } } The code inside the method is something

Interrupt 10h not working

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-01-28 11:19:48
问题 I am getting segmentation fault in the program below. This is for set the cursor on the top-left of the screen. But why i am getting segmentation fault on this program? Thanks for the replies. section .text global main main: mov ah, 2 mov bh, 1 mov dh, 0 mov dl, 0 int 10h I think that the problem is the protected mode that i am working. This is an 16-bit instruction and i am trying this in a 32-bit machine! Am i correct? I am running this program in a Linux Ubuntu distribution 32-bits. THe

pointers size with respect to RAM, architecture

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2020-01-25 10:28:27
问题 there were many questions what determines size of a pointer. basically as a rule of thumb you can say this is processor architecture, x86 -> 4 bytes pointer x64 -> 8 bytes pointer I have seen also that some people here say it is system bus that is responsible for it, but other denied. Let's say architecture tells me what is the size of a pointer. To address 4GB of RAM you need 4,294,967,296 mappings and pointer of size 4 bytes can address 4,294,967,296 memory locations. To address 8GB of RAM

How do I reuse Oracle sequence gaps in primary key column?

戏子无情 提交于 2020-01-25 07:06:27
问题 I used Oracle sequence as primary key of a table, and used int in Java application mapping this primary key, now I found my customer has reached to the maximum int in table, even the sequence can be continuous increase. but Java int has no longer able to store it, I don't want change Java code from int to long because of very big cost. then I found customer DB there have many big gaps in ID column. can any way I can reuse these missing Id number? If can do this in DB level, something like I