
Application.cfc setting DSN and calling that DSN

痞子三分冷 提交于 2021-01-28 22:52:24
问题 I have been shown how to do this with Application.cfc instead of using the Application.cfm - that is fine, I like learning new stuff. Yet after I made the change I cannot figure out how to get the DSN working properly. Before I just used a set DSN in the Application.cfm file. <cfparam name="DSN" default=""> <cfset DSN = "krl" /> And called it out here: <CFQUERY NAME="Inital" DATASOURCE="#DSN#"> SELECT Website_Name FROM InitalizationData </CFQUERY> Now setting it like: component { =

Coldfusion 9 Flash Multifile Upload Widget fails due to unrelated code

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2020-01-16 00:49:10
问题 This issue continues along with the inability to run the remaining parts of the process in the application, namely the file sorting by file type and the compression capability. I'm running into the issue that my pdf compression code is causing the multifile uploader to freeze up at 99%, still successfully uploading the first file but preventing subsequent files from uploading. Issue 1: File upload fails when I try to exclude the pdf files from the list. Issue 2: The presence of the query and

Coldfusion 9 Flash Multifile Upload Widget fails due to unrelated code

你。 提交于 2020-01-16 00:49:03
问题 This issue continues along with the inability to run the remaining parts of the process in the application, namely the file sorting by file type and the compression capability. I'm running into the issue that my pdf compression code is causing the multifile uploader to freeze up at 99%, still successfully uploading the first file but preventing subsequent files from uploading. Issue 1: File upload fails when I try to exclude the pdf files from the list. Issue 2: The presence of the query and

Staging my Coldfusion app when using CFC inheritance/extends

瘦欲@ 提交于 2020-01-06 04:51:32
问题 I have an application.cfc in a subdir of my webroot: /app/application.cfc I recently added another application.cfc in a subdir of that and it extends the original application.cfc using the proxy method described here : /app/mysubdir/application.cfc /app/applicationproxy.cfc The extends attribute for the subdir cfc looks like this: <cfcomponent extends="app.applicationProxy"> This all works fine so far

cfc that bring in additional functions via include

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-01-05 21:06:27
问题 My application.cfc starts with: <cfcomponent extends="org.corfield.framework"> later on void function setupApplication() output="false" { I have // tools include "initapp.cfm"; initapp.cfm has nothing but functions in it. Things like: <!--- Helper functions ---> <cfscript> string function stripHTML(str) output="false" { return REReplaceNoCase(arguments.str,"<[^>]*>","","ALL"); } application.stripHTML = stripHTML; </cfscript> The nature of the functions is NOT associated with a session. Is

cfc that bring in additional functions via include

流过昼夜 提交于 2020-01-05 21:05:12
问题 My application.cfc starts with: <cfcomponent extends="org.corfield.framework"> later on void function setupApplication() output="false" { I have // tools include "initapp.cfm"; initapp.cfm has nothing but functions in it. Things like: <!--- Helper functions ---> <cfscript> string function stripHTML(str) output="false" { return REReplaceNoCase(arguments.str,"<[^>]*>","","ALL"); } application.stripHTML = stripHTML; </cfscript> The nature of the functions is NOT associated with a session. Is

Creating FW/1 Service in application.cfc

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-25 07:10:03
问题 I am trying to create call a service in application.cfc The original code looked like It is now void function setupApplication() { ... application.objCCFRO = new; application.stSetting = application.objCCFRO.loadini("standard.ini"); I am trying to convert it to application.stSetting = variables.beanFactory.getBean( "settingService" ).loadIni("standard.ini"); The documentation says sometimes you need access to the bean factory directly (such as for obtaining a

Cannot turn off persistent tracking cookies in CFMX 8

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-24 02:11:57
问题 CFMX 8 Enterprise I have turned on the "Use J2EE session variables" setting under Memory Variables because security requirements state that persistent cookies cannot be used. I understood that turning this setting on will tell CF to only create and use a "JSESSIONID" session cookie. However, my server still appears to be creating and using the old-style "CFID" and "CFTOKEN" cookies with expiration dates thirty years hence. Now, obviously, I can do the old trick of manipulating CFID and

How do I reset application.cfc without resetting the server instance? [duplicate]

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-22 07:45:32
问题 This question already has answers here : Closed 8 years ago . Possible Duplicate: restart application without restarting server? How do I reset a Coldfusion Application / application.cfc without resetting the Coldfusion Server instance? If I remember right, there are a few tricks out there such as creating a reinit function within application.cfc or renaming the file. 回答1: A couple of steps: First, make sure all your application initialization logic is contained inside the OnApplicationStart

ColdFusion 11: Changing Application “this” Scope metadata from different functions in extended Application.cfc

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-14 03:53:26
问题 I have a general understanding of the ColdFusion Application Workflow. But some parts remain unclear to me. The general workflow is as follows... Public Application Settings are set (I.E, this.mappings ext.) onApplicationStart onSessionStart onRequestStart I have a sub-directory with an Application.cfc that extends a root Application.cfc that exists at the web-root After reading tons of blogs that describe this design pattern.... ColdFusion Application-Specific Mappings Work With