
winform 控制Text Box只能输入英文数字和退格键

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2020-07-27 10:04:16
在KeyPress事件中写入 private void txtBoxKeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { if ((e.KeyChar >= 'a' && e.KeyChar <= 'z') || (e.KeyChar >= 'A' && e.KeyChar <= 'Z')|| (e.KeyChar >= '0' && e.KeyChar <= '9') || (e.KeyChar == 8)) { e.Handled = false; } else { e.Handled = true; } } KeyCode其他值 keycode 8 = BackSpace BackSpace keycode 9 = Tab Tab keycode 12 = Clear keycode 13 = Enter keycode 16 = Shift_L keycode 17 = Control_L keycode 18 = Alt_L keycode 19 = Pause keycode 20 = Caps_Lock keycode 27 = Escape Escape keycode 32 = space space keycode 33 = Prior keycode 34 = Next keycode 35 = End keycode

ApostropheCMS Deployment Issue With Widget

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2020-06-29 05:16:18
问题 I am a relative beginner to working in Apostrophe. I'd like to start off by saying its a pretty great ecosystem and I've enjoyed the experience so far. However, I've run into an issue thats a bit confusing. I've been using it to build a site for a client and I've run into a very odd issue. I have installed an instagram widget that I found via npm (https://www.npmjs.com/package/@kwsites/cms-instagram-widgets) and used it on my local host with relatively no issues, it worked and I moved on with


天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2020-04-19 23:03:08
前一阵做了个安卓6的固件, 在R3300L和Q7上跑的, 其他问题没有, 但是有用户反映原来的遥控器用不了了, 于是检查了一下遥控器配置, 顺便学习一下此类设备的红外遥控机制. 为了方便测试还上淘宝买了六个遥控器. Amlogic电视盒子的红外遥控配置 相关的配置文件有 /system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl /system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_0001_Product_0001.kl /system/etc/remote.conf 或 /system/etc/remote1.conf Generic.kl文件 Generic key layout file for full alphabetic US English PC style external keyboards. This file is intentionally very generic and is intended to support a broad rang of keyboards. Do not edit the generic key layout to support a specific keyboard; instead, create a new key layout file with the required keyboard

How to pass apostrophies from text areas to MySQL using PHP

廉价感情. 提交于 2020-01-20 08:37:53
问题 I have a text area that users add notes too. On the next page I use the $_POST[Comments] to show what was typed. I have an edit button to go back and see what was typed and edit the notes but when I show the $_POST[Comments] it shows everything up to an apostrophe. Example: Originally typed: Let's try this. When Editing: Let Now when I pass it to the server to do an SQL add I use the following function to protect against SQL injection function keepSafe($value) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {

How do I escape an apostrophe in my XPath text query with Perl and Selenium?

喜欢而已 提交于 2020-01-12 13:55:52
问题 I have an XPath query which needs to match some text in a span attribute, as follows: my $perl_query = qq(span[text\(\)='It's a problem']); $sel->click_ok($perl_query); Where the text has no apostrophe there is no problem. I've tried the following instead of 'It's a problem': 'It\'s a problem' 'It&apos\;s a problem' 'It\${apos}s a problem' #some thread on Stackoverflow suggested that this was a solution implemented by Selenium, but it doesn't work. Any ideas? On a different note, if I can't

Apostrophe issue in url with OData

余生长醉 提交于 2020-01-05 04:09:26
问题 I am using oData protocol which add the filter criteria in the url E.g. /api/restaurants/getall?$filter=substringof('macdonald',Name) My problem when the value has apostrophe like ( macdonald's ) it will break the url It works fine if I replace it with %26 like macdonald%26 but by adding s ( macdonald%26s ) the url will not work any suggestions? 回答1: When inside the quoted string a single quote can be escaped by doubling it. So in your case it would look like 'macdonald''s'. 回答2: I see this

Apostrophes and SQL Server FT search

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-01-04 04:57:12
问题 I have setup FT search in SQL Server 2005 but I cant seem to find a way to match "Lias" keyword to a record with "Lia's". What I basically want is to allow people to search without the apostrophe. I have been on and off this problem for quite some time now so any help will really be a blessing. 回答1: EDIT 2: just realised this doesn't actually resolve your problem, please ignore and see other answer! The code below will return results for a case when a user has inserted an apostrophe which

Escape apostrophe when passing parameter in onclick event

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-01-03 07:30:34
问题 I'm passing the company name to an onclick event. Some company names have apostrophes in them. I added '.Replace("'", "'")' to the company_name field. This allows the onclick event to fire, but the confirm message displays as "Jane&# 39;s Welding Company". <a href="#" onclick="return Actionclick('<%= Url.Action("Activate", new {id = item.company_id}) %>', '<%= Html.Encode(item.company1.company_name.Replace("'", "'")) %>');" class="fg-button fg-button-icon-solo ui-state-default ui-corner-all">

Cannot view the saved data when 'apostrophe' is entered in the input

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-25 01:34:31
问题 I am trying to modify an existing code (written by my predecessor) which changes the apostrophe (entered along with the test into the text box) to "Å" symbol while displaying it back in the text box. How can I change this? when I tried to remove the symbol from the code, I cannot get the result back/see the saved text in the text box and it gives an error message. Here is the code of the grid view control in which the result is displayed and this is where I am suppose to click so see what

Special apostrophe breaks JSON

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-24 06:57:27
问题 [7671] => Sleaford Carre’s is an element in $result $result= json_encode($result); echo $result; //outputs "7671":null, Please note that this is not a normal apostrophe (single quote) or a back tick. I cant even find it on my keyboard. Data comes from a Latin-1 table. I have also noticed that using htmlentities on building the array will dissapear the string from the array. What am I to do?? 回答1: As no-one has actually written an answer, read the comments:) as the others have said, use utf8