
CSVPrinter datas appears not separated in columns

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2021-01-07 05:07:32
问题 I'm trying to use this library commons-csv (1.5) for generating the csv file, i've make a simple program for seeing the result : String SAMPLE_CSV_FILE = "./sample.csv"; try ( BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(Paths.get(SAMPLE_CSV_FILE)); CSVPrinter csvPrinter = new CSVPrinter(writer, CSVFormat.EXCEL .withHeader("ID", "Name", "Designation", "Company")); ) { csvPrinter.printRecord("1", "Name1 ", "CEO", "Google"); csvPrinter.printRecord("2", "Name2", "CEO", "Microsoft");

CSVPrinter datas appears not separated in columns

a 夏天 提交于 2021-01-07 05:07:21
问题 I'm trying to use this library commons-csv (1.5) for generating the csv file, i've make a simple program for seeing the result : String SAMPLE_CSV_FILE = "./sample.csv"; try ( BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(Paths.get(SAMPLE_CSV_FILE)); CSVPrinter csvPrinter = new CSVPrinter(writer, CSVFormat.EXCEL .withHeader("ID", "Name", "Designation", "Company")); ) { csvPrinter.printRecord("1", "Name1 ", "CEO", "Google"); csvPrinter.printRecord("2", "Name2", "CEO", "Microsoft");

CSVPrinter datas appears not separated in columns

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2021-01-07 05:06:28
问题 I'm trying to use this library commons-csv (1.5) for generating the csv file, i've make a simple program for seeing the result : String SAMPLE_CSV_FILE = "./sample.csv"; try ( BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(Paths.get(SAMPLE_CSV_FILE)); CSVPrinter csvPrinter = new CSVPrinter(writer, CSVFormat.EXCEL .withHeader("ID", "Name", "Designation", "Company")); ) { csvPrinter.printRecord("1", "Name1 ", "CEO", "Google"); csvPrinter.printRecord("2", "Name2", "CEO", "Microsoft");

How to compare two Collections for “equivalence” based on fields from different Java classes?

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2020-12-29 02:59:12
问题 Given any two classes, e.g. ClassA and ClassB below: class ClassA { private int intA; private String strA; private boolean boolA; // Constructor public ClassA (int intA, String strA, boolean boolA) { this.intA = intA; this.strA = strA; this.boolA = boolA; } // Getters and setters etc. below... } class ClassB { private int intB; private String strB; private boolean boolB; // Constructor public ClassB (int intB, String strB, boolean boolB) { this.intB = intB; this.strB = strB; this.boolB =

How to compare two Collections for “equivalence” based on fields from different Java classes?

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-12-29 02:58:58
问题 Given any two classes, e.g. ClassA and ClassB below: class ClassA { private int intA; private String strA; private boolean boolA; // Constructor public ClassA (int intA, String strA, boolean boolA) { this.intA = intA; this.strA = strA; this.boolA = boolA; } // Getters and setters etc. below... } class ClassB { private int intB; private String strB; private boolean boolB; // Constructor public ClassB (int intB, String strB, boolean boolB) { this.intB = intB; this.strB = strB; this.boolB =

Downloaded images are missing bytes

可紊 提交于 2020-12-23 12:11:54
问题 My Android app (Java 8, min SDK 24, target SDK 27) downloads images from an FTP server, using Apache's FTPClient (version 3.6). There are a couple of smaller .jpg images (around 12kb each) that always download completely but all of the bigger .png images (8+ mb each) show up black in my app. The files on the server look fine, so I downloaded the images from the emulator: Windows' "Photo" app displays a black, horizontal bar at the bottom of all the affected images and they are all missing a

Downloaded images are missing bytes

筅森魡賤 提交于 2020-12-23 12:08:54
问题 My Android app (Java 8, min SDK 24, target SDK 27) downloads images from an FTP server, using Apache's FTPClient (version 3.6). There are a couple of smaller .jpg images (around 12kb each) that always download completely but all of the bigger .png images (8+ mb each) show up black in my app. The files on the server look fine, so I downloaded the images from the emulator: Windows' "Photo" app displays a black, horizontal bar at the bottom of all the affected images and they are all missing a

NoClassDefFoundError with Apache commons math

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2020-12-14 07:17:30
问题 I want to use the PoissonDistribution from Apache Commons but always get the error a NoClassDefFoundError . The code: import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.PoissonDistribution; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { PoissonDistribution p = new PoissonDistribution(5.0); } } The error message: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/math3/distribution/PoissonDistribution at Test.main(Test.java:6) Caused by: java.lang

Phonetic search for Indian languages

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-12-02 03:18:34
问题 I want to compare strings phonetically in my android app. But the special case here is, I want to compare Indian language words written in English. For example, I want to check if "Edhu" "Adhu" "Yethu" are phonetically equal, they all mean the same in Tamil language. But people who use English script to write Indian languages use different spellings to make the word. How do I compare words in this case? I tried out Levenshtein. But I am not sure how to convert the number it returns to the

Phonetic search for Indian languages

扶醉桌前 提交于 2020-12-02 03:18:03
问题 I want to compare strings phonetically in my android app. But the special case here is, I want to compare Indian language words written in English. For example, I want to check if "Edhu" "Adhu" "Yethu" are phonetically equal, they all mean the same in Tamil language. But people who use English script to write Indian languages use different spellings to make the word. How do I compare words in this case? I tried out Levenshtein. But I am not sure how to convert the number it returns to the