
KubeCon+CloudNativeCon 2018 论坛首秀中国,精彩日程抢先看

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2021-02-13 11:02:59
KubeCon+CloudNativeCon,作为由云原生计算基金会(CNCF)发起的最盛大的会议,聚焦着全世界关注云原生领域的目光。 自2016年起,在欧洲、北美等地举办以来,本论坛受到了Kubernetes大牛、开发者、厂商等全球开源技术爱好者的强力追捧。 2018年11月13-15日,KubeCon+CloudNativeCon 2018论坛将首次亮相中国上海,这无疑是对中国技术实力的认可,同时,中国程序员们也将可以在上海跨国采购会展中心共同参与这场顶尖的国际技术盛会。 KubeCon+CloudNativeCon 2018中国论坛作为CNCF的旗舰论坛,得到了Liz Rice、Janet Kuo等大咖的大力支持与推荐。本论坛精彩日程现已出炉,看看你关注的议题和大咖! 本次论坛为期三天,预计将吸引开发人员、架构师、技术负责人、首席信息官、首席技术官、媒体和分析师等2500多人到场,以主题演讲、分论坛以及展位等形式全方位地为大家打造一场精彩绝伦的技术盛宴。 KubeCon+CloudNativeCon 2018中国论坛将聚焦云原生领域的最新技术动态,CNCF的重点项目Kubernetes、Prometheus、OpenTracing、Fluentd、gRPC、containerd、rkt、CNI、Envoy、Jaeger、Helm等多个项目也将悉数亮相。另外


六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2021-02-12 03:41:02
简介 Ansible 基于 Python 语言实现,由 Paramiko 和 PyYAML 两个关键模块构建。 Ansible 特点: 1、部署简单,只需在主控端部署 Ansible 环境,被控端无需做任何操作。 2、默认使用 SSH(Secure Shell)协议对设备进行管理。 3、主从集中化管理。 4、配置简单、功能强大、扩展性强。 5、支持 API 及自定义模块,可通过 Python 轻松扩展。 6、通过 Playbooks 来定制强大的配置、状态管理。 7、对云计算平台、大数据都有很好的支持。 8、提供一个功能强大、操作性强的 Web 管理界面和 REST API 接口 —- AWX 平台。 Ansible 与 SaltStack: 1、最大的区别是 Ansible 无需在被监控主机部署任何客户端代理,默认通过 SSH 通道进行远程命令执行或下发配置。 2、相同点是都具备功能强大、灵活的系统管理、状态配置,都使用 YAML 格式来描述配置,两者都提供丰富的模板及 API,对云计算平台、大数据都有很好的支持。 安装ansible yum安装 yum -y install ansible 配置ansible tree /etc/ansible/ /etc/ansible/ ├── ansible.cfg # ansible.cfg 是 Ansible 工具的配置文件; ├──

Ansible pick dictionary out of a list of dictionaries

拟墨画扇 提交于 2021-02-11 17:40:58
问题 Variable mule_runtimes has a list of dictionaries: - id: N-Newton version: 4.3.0 - id: N-Galileo version: 3.9.0-hf4 - id: N-Einstein version: 3.8.5-hf4 I want the dictionary with id = N-Einstein. I have tried using this: - debug: msg: "{{ mule_runtimes | selectattr('id', 'equalto', 'N-Einstein') | to_json }}" And got error: Unexpected templating type error occurred on ({{ mule_runtimes | selectattr('id', 'equalto', 'N-Einstein') | to_json }}): Object of type 'generator' is not JSON

Ansible commands are not run from rubdeck GUI

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2021-02-11 16:40:57
问题 I have configured rundeck project with the below mentions link steps. I am able to execute the shell commands like ls -la, df- h on remote server as well but when I use ansible -m ping all its gives error (you can see in the screenshot) .how I can solve the issue. 回答1: Basically what you are doing is calling ansible on all

How to Find Groupid and Artifactid in Nexus3 OSS?

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-02-11 16:27:30
问题 I am new to Nexus3 Artifact & I am trying to pull Docker image from nexus using ansible-playbook. For reference here I am adding ansible script: - name: Pull Docker image maven_artifact: group_id: ubuntu artifact_id: ubuntu verify_checksum: always extension: docker version: 3.8.1 repository_url: 'http://localhost:1839' username: admin password: ***** dest: /tmp/python.docker P.S. i dont know what to give for artifactid and groupid 来源:

Got error while running this “ ansible -m ping all ” command but could be able to ssh

雨燕双飞 提交于 2021-02-11 15:14:40
问题 I am trying to run the command ansible -m ping all from one EC2 instance to another ect2 instance using a different user name than ubuntu. For both EC2 instances, the operating system is Ubuntu 16.04. I can ssh from host to remote. And I get the following error: fatal: [uat]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "EOF on stream; last 100 lines received:\nssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host\r", "unreachable": true} 来源:

How do I resolve an error in my yaml file?

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2021-02-11 14:24:03
问题 I'm trying to install docker on a node using an ansible playbook, but I keep getting an error. Here's the playbook --- - host: all become: yes become_user: root tasks: - name Add Docker GPG key apt_key: url= - name: Add Docker APT repository apt_repository: repo: deb [arch=and64] {{ansible_distributionrelease}} stable - name: Install list of packages apt: name: "{{item}}" state: installed update_cache: yes

Ansible Loop and Update Dict

社会主义新天地 提交于 2021-02-11 13:53:47
问题 I'm trying to use Ansible to loop through a nested dict and add a new key:value. I'm able to add a value using combine to the top-level dict but unsure how to update the value dict. I see that loop can be used to iterate through the dict but how can update be done at the same time? My Dict {'host-a': {'os': 'Linux', 'port': '22', 'status': 'Running'}, 'host-b': {'os': 'Linux', 'port': '22', 'status': 'Running'}, 'host-c': {'os': 'Linux', 'port': '22', 'status': 'Running'}} I'm able to append

Ansible error attribute not found due to same variable registration in multiple tasks

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2021-02-11 13:28:56
问题 Below is my playbook that executes only one of the two raw modules. - name: Get Process Dump for tomcat on non-Solaris ignore_errors: yes block: - raw: "ps -ef | grep java | grep -i tomcat | grep -v grep; awk -vrc=$? 'BEGIN{print \"rc=\"rc}'" register: tomjavadump ignore_errors: yes - debug: msg: "Tomcat DEBUGGG1: tomjavadump:{{ tomjavadump }}" when: ansible_distribution != 'Solaris' - name: Get Process Dump for tomcat on Solaris ignore_errors: yes block: - raw: "ps auxwww | grep java | grep

Run a handler play and exit play if rc == 0 in ansible

筅森魡賤 提交于 2021-02-11 12:54:37
问题 Hi is there a way I can run a handler play then exit the play if rc == 0. It can only do is exit the play using failed_when and proceed if rc != 0. I can't make notify: Service Guard execute. Been play with other approach like creating 2 play notify and exit no luck. - name: Exit SG server from play command: /usr/local/cmcluster/bin/cmversion register: sg_check notify: Service Guard failed_when: sg_check.rc == 0 Here is new code I tried - name: Check if Service Gurad then exit command: /usr