
Google Play is showing wrong API level

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-08 08:30:24
问题 After uploading my APK in Google Play it shows in APK details : API levels : 14-17 and publicly showing "4.0 and up" in play store. Although my previous version has API levels 14+ but i changed my app and set following minSDK and targetSDK: <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="11" android:targetSdkVersion="12" android:maxSdkVersion="17"/> But after uploading new APK GOOGLE PLAY is showing wrong API level. It shows "API levels : 14-17". I am tired about this fact. Why not it shows 11-17 and

Why does the Android version code and version name keep going back to 1 and 1.0?

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-07 17:52:02
问题 I'm trying to publish my app to the Play Store but whenever I export the app as an Android application, my version code and version names get reverted to "1" and "1.0" respectively. I am simply following the instructions here: How Do I Create A Certificate For My Android Market APK? I don't understand what is going on. I'm trying to make it 2 and 1.1. UPDATE : Here's a YouTube video of the error in action: 回答1: Here's what to do: Set

Compiled version vs. Minimum required version Android

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-07 10:56:49
问题 In my custom view I'm using the method drawTextOnPath(...) which is not supported for hardware acceleration until 4.1. So I wanted to add an if statement which checks the current Android version on runtime and turns the hardware acceleration on if this version is greater or equals to 4.1. My problem is that I compile my project with Android 4.0 SDK (which is my minimum version), so I don't have the Build.VERSION_CODES for Android 4.1. Should I compile my project with 4.1 although my minimum

Google Play is showing wrong API level

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-06 15:18:36
After uploading my APK in Google Play it shows in APK details : API levels : 14-17 and publicly showing "4.0 and up" in play store. Although my previous version has API levels 14+ but i changed my app and set following minSDK and targetSDK: <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="11" android:targetSdkVersion="12" android:maxSdkVersion="17"/> But after uploading new APK GOOGLE PLAY is showing wrong API level. It shows "API levels : 14-17". I am tired about this fact. Why not it shows 11-17 and publicly "3.0 and up". Would anybody knows the real fact ? 来源:

Android App versions (Free and Paid) - tell Library Project classes if app is Free or Paid

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-06 09:17:23
问题 I have an Android app project that contains all of my code. I've made this "app" a Library project as defined here at Consequently, I have made two new Android projects which utilize this library project. The new package names for each of the new projects are: com.myapps.freeapp com.myapps.paidapp As you can probably see, I am trying to publish free and paid versions of the app. What is the best way to tell the library project whether the installed app is the free

Clearing App Data on update

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-06 05:45:45
问题 I need to clear(equivalent to Clear Data in App Settings ) all the old data in the app programmatically when the user updates the app from Google Play Store or any other sources. This is because I don't need any of the existing data from the old app since I have changed everything in the new app compared to the old one. I thought of implementing a version check at the app startup, but I can't find a way to get the app's previous versionCode or versionName . The only way I figured out to clear

How to determine version of Android source code?

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-06 01:18:34
I have a copy of the Android source code, but don't know what version of android it is (I downloaded it a while ago and can't remember if I synced to the head of the repo or not). It there a way to determine this? I've looked in the manifest for a couple of the sample projects and they state: <uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="11"/> so I think I can assume it is either 11 or above, but I'm not certain which one. This is what the file structure looks like: I assume that's the platform/ directory. If so, take a look in frameworks/base/api . You'll find a text file representing each API level

Why does the Android version code and version name keep going back to 1 and 1.0?

孤人 提交于 2019-12-06 00:06:17
I'm trying to publish my app to the Play Store but whenever I export the app as an Android application, my version code and version names get reverted to "1" and "1.0" respectively. I am simply following the instructions here: How Do I Create A Certificate For My Android Market APK? I don't understand what is going on. I'm trying to make it 2 and 1.1. UPDATE : Here's a YouTube video of the error in action: Here's what to do: Set android:versionCode to 2, android:versionName to 1.1 in the manifest. Clean project, build project. Delete

How can I tell which Android Support Library v4 revision I use?

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-05 14:31:29
问题 I can see in the Android SDK manager the version installed on my computer (in Android SDK manager), but usually a project uses its own copy from the libs folder. Is there a way I can tell which version is the android-support-v4.jar being used in a specific project besides the file date? Any method is considerable - by code / eclipse / file manager 回答1: in eclipse package explorer right click in your project select android tools -> Add supported Library there you see which supprt library

Android App versions (Free and Paid) - tell Library Project classes if app is Free or Paid

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-04 16:47:38
I have an Android app project that contains all of my code. I've made this "app" a Library project as defined here at . Consequently, I have made two new Android projects which utilize this library project. The new package names for each of the new projects are: com.myapps.freeapp com.myapps.paidapp As you can probably see, I am trying to publish free and paid versions of the app. What is the best way to tell the library project whether the installed app is the free version or paid version? This is from my blog post that describes how to build a free / paid version using