
What's the Android “Extracted Text UI”?

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-22 05:13:13
问题 I recently had a bug where my small EditText was ballooning up to fill whatever space wasn't consumed by the soft keyboard. But only in Landscape mode. I posted this and got a quick response from a helpful StackOverflow member that I needed to add android:imeOptions="flagNoExtractUi" , so I did and it worked! But I still don't understand it. The documentation says that it's "Used to specify that the IME does not need to show its extracted text UI" OK, what's that? The "search developer docs"

How to update extracted text in a custom editor view

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-10 11:54:50
问题 I've created a custom editor for vertical Mongolian text. The circled views show my my custom editor. They keyboards at the bottom are system keyboards. When a system keyboard inputs text into it in landscape orientation, though, the keyboard will likely show an extracted text view rather than my custom editor view. The circled view below is the extracted text view (which is not getting updated by my custom editor). I need to somehow send updates from my view to the input method manager. This

How to implement Extracted Text for a custom Android View

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-08 17:06:14
问题 Background A custom editor view in Android is able to receive text from a system keyboard though an InputConnection . I have been able to make such a view successfully. However, when the device is in landscape mode, the system will sometimes choose to show a extracted text view. When users type in this mode the extracted text view should be updated with the same text that is in the custom view. I have not been able to implement the extracted text view functionality. (Here are some things I've

What's the Android “Extracted Text UI”?

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-05 07:58:27
I recently had a bug where my small EditText was ballooning up to fill whatever space wasn't consumed by the soft keyboard. But only in Landscape mode. I posted this and got a quick response from a helpful StackOverflow member that I needed to add android:imeOptions="flagNoExtractUi" , so I did and it worked! But I still don't understand it. The documentation says that it's "Used to specify that the IME does not need to show its extracted text UI" OK, what's that? The "search developer docs" feature of shows the phrase "Extracted text UI" used 34 times in their