
Connect Python app with redis using Ecs Ec2 [closed]

匆匆过客 提交于 2021-01-07 03:03:07
问题 Closed . This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 6 months ago . Improve this question I have 2 dockerfile and I want to link them using Aws-ECS service. I want to link them using Ecs Ec2. What steps I should keep in mind to link the container and what network mode should I used. Lets say I want to expose the container on localhost:5000. I

ECS task not starting - STOPPED (CannotPullContainerError: “Error response from daemon request canceled while waiting for connection”

我的梦境 提交于 2021-01-02 05:35:07
问题 I'm starting a task in ECS using Fargate and after being in PENDING for a little bit it ends up in STOPPED with the following error: STOPPED (CannotPullContainerError: "Error response from daem When I expand out the details I see STOPPED (CannotPullContainerError: "Error response from daemon: Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection" with the reason (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) So the task can't access

Creating an CloudWatch Event Rule for failed ECS tasks

限于喜欢 提交于 2021-01-01 08:06:13
问题 I currently have an ECS task that fails from time to time, with different error codes. I would like to create a CloudWatch event rule that is triggered on such failures. I currently have the following cloud watch event rule, which is triggered only on exit code 1. I would like to be notified of all non-zero errors exit code. { "source": [ "aws.ecs" ], "detail-type": [ "ECS Task State Change" ], "detail": { "lastStatus": [ "STOPPED" ], "stoppedReason": [ "Essential container in task exited" ],

Creating an CloudWatch Event Rule for failed ECS tasks

拥有回忆 提交于 2021-01-01 08:03:08
问题 I currently have an ECS task that fails from time to time, with different error codes. I would like to create a CloudWatch event rule that is triggered on such failures. I currently have the following cloud watch event rule, which is triggered only on exit code 1. I would like to be notified of all non-zero errors exit code. { "source": [ "aws.ecs" ], "detail-type": [ "ECS Task State Change" ], "detail": { "lastStatus": [ "STOPPED" ], "stoppedReason": [ "Essential container in task exited" ],

NGINX Reverse Proxy + ngx_upstream_resolveMK - Trying to resolve SRV from ECS Service Discovery Route53 Auto Naming

我们两清 提交于 2021-01-01 06:38:54
问题 I'm currently having an issue with ECS Service Discovery and Route53 Auto Naming. I have added the Service Registry to the service and all the Hosted Zones records are being populated automatically. But I cannot seem to work out how to resolve the DNS SRV records with NGINX + ngx_upstream_resolveMK. # DNS RESOLVER resolver valid=10s; # UPSTREAMS upstream kibana { resolveMK servicediscovery.ecs service=kibana; } # HOST - server { server_name kibana.example

NGINX Reverse Proxy + ngx_upstream_resolveMK - Trying to resolve SRV from ECS Service Discovery Route53 Auto Naming

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2021-01-01 06:37:19
问题 I'm currently having an issue with ECS Service Discovery and Route53 Auto Naming. I have added the Service Registry to the service and all the Hosted Zones records are being populated automatically. But I cannot seem to work out how to resolve the DNS SRV records with NGINX + ngx_upstream_resolveMK. # DNS RESOLVER resolver valid=10s; # UPSTREAMS upstream kibana { resolveMK servicediscovery.ecs service=kibana; } # HOST - server { server_name kibana.example

Communication between containers in ECS task definition

十年热恋 提交于 2021-01-01 04:48:29
问题 I have a task definition in ECS running in awsvpc mode, containing 2 docker containers. My question is how can I communicate between containers in a task definition. Do they act similar to docker-compose? 回答1: Yes, we can communicate between the containers running task. Here is the system architecture And we will use Service discovery for register to Service task (Fargate/EC2 task) This is an example how to launch one service to ECS with CloudFormation ... Resources: DiscoveryService: Type:

Communication between containers in ECS task definition

安稳与你 提交于 2021-01-01 04:47:43
问题 I have a task definition in ECS running in awsvpc mode, containing 2 docker containers. My question is how can I communicate between containers in a task definition. Do they act similar to docker-compose? 回答1: Yes, we can communicate between the containers running task. Here is the system architecture And we will use Service discovery for register to Service task (Fargate/EC2 task) This is an example how to launch one service to ECS with CloudFormation ... Resources: DiscoveryService: Type:

ECS, how to add user-data after creating ecs instance

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-12-15 05:58:54
问题 I can't find a way to specify a user-data after creating ECS instance definition. Document says You can pass this user data into the Amazon EC2 launch wizard in Step 6.g of Launching an Amazon ECS Container Instance. ECS is launched automatically, how do you specify the user data? I want to send /var/log/syslog to cloudwatch and I need to add user data (

How to have AWS ECS automatically map ports of my container to the host machine(EC2)

二次信任 提交于 2020-12-13 04:05:53
问题 Context: I am using Circle CI's aws-ecs/deploy-service-update orb to deploy my docker container by pulling the latest image in AWS ECR and deploy it in AWS ECS with AWS EC2 instance. This container is a Machine Learning model that accepts API requests at TCP port 3000(I am using fastAPI for this) and returns the predictions. After I deployed it I couldn't send requests to the public IP of the container instance of the task that deploys the container at port 3000 (This IP is not my EC2