
转:昨天去参加adobe AIR发布会

烈酒焚心 提交于 2020-02-01 08:34:54
昨天去参加adobe AIR发布会 2008-03-05 12:23 12547人阅读 评论 (33) 收藏 举报 adobe air sliverlight wpf 微软 互联网 首先申明:我不是adobe雇佣的枪手,我也从不认识adobe的人。我只是一名被C/S和B/S长期困扰希望寻找一套解决方案的人。 昨天去参加了adobe AIR 发布会 adobe是业界著名的客户端展现工具和展现设计工具 提供商。 展现工具:PDF、FLASH。展现设计工具:photoshop、Dreamwaver、FLASH。 很多人都疑问AIR有什么用。昨天在会场也有同学提出了这个问题。既然有了AJAX 纯的JS的客户端表现组件包,如最近刚获得金牛奖的ZK组件包,那为何要有AIR? 我给大家解释解释。大家都能看到现在的趋势:互联网软件在向客户端融合,客户端在向互联网融合。 互联网企业发源于WEB世界,那么它要延伸互联网,必须要基于现在自己的优势和根。JS技术,这种根植于网络世界的技术就是最理想的选择。使用惯了WEB应用软件的用户,对于本地安装一个软件,本地软件那样的操作习惯就感到很奇怪。 而对于习惯了使用本地软件的用户,现在开始有了互联网跨出局域网的业务需求了,怎么办?一种办法当然是给他们另外开发一套B/S企业管理软件,但他们怎么使用都不顺手。 于是AIR产生。让他们能满足互联网处理

昨天去参加adobe AIR发布会

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-02-01 08:34:22
首先申明:我不是adobe雇佣的枪手,我也从不认识adobe的人。我只是一名被C/S和B/S长期困扰希望寻找一套解决方案的人。 昨天去参加了adobe AIR 发布会 adobe是业界著名的客户端展现工具和展现设计工具 提供商。 展现工具:PDF、FLASH。展现设计工具:photoshop、Dreamwaver、FLASH。 很多人都疑问AIR有什么用。昨天在会场也有同学提出了这个问题。既然有了AJAX 纯的JS的客户端表现组件包,如最近刚获得金牛奖的ZK组件包,那为何要有AIR? 我给大家解释解释。大家都能看到现在的趋势:互联网软件在向客户端融合,客户端在向互联网融合。 互联网企业发源于WEB世界,那么它要延伸互联网,必须要基于现在自己的优势和根。JS技术,这种根植于网络世界的技术就是最理想的选择。使用惯了WEB应用软件的用户,对于本地安装一个软件,本地软件那样的操作习惯就感到很奇怪。 而对于习惯了使用本地软件的用户,现在开始有了互联网跨出局域网的业务需求了,怎么办?一种办法当然是给他们另外开发一套B/S企业管理软件,但他们怎么使用都不顺手。 于是AIR产生。让他们能满足互联网处理,又能像本地软件一样操作。 又有客官问了,听过微软也推出了一种客户端跨互联网处理的技术,叫WPF和WCF。微软是客户端的霸主,而且微软的开发工具也是一流的,adobe既不熟悉开发工具这行当

How can I detect system Chinese, Korean, and English fonts without embedding one for each? (AIR mobile on Android and IOS)

不羁的心 提交于 2020-01-24 05:24:33
问题 My learning app requires displaying Korean, English and Chinese. One solution I have is to embed a Korean/English font and a Chinese font. Then put together a string with different TextFormat s. The thing is, I'm positive that IOS and Android devices should contain native Chinese, Korean and English fonts already, and I'd much rather refer to and use those fonts instead of packing them. I tried detecting fonts by using Font.enumerateFonts(true) , but when I use font.hasGlyphs('你') , I don't

Loading external Swf - sandbox violation

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-01-23 19:55:11
问题 I need a help ... an urgent one !!! I tried so hard to figured it out .. but I couldn't .. so I appreciate your help so much .. I'm developing an Air App using flash ... the app loads an external SWF file dynamically through an xml ... the SWF file has a movieclip that has a listener (ON click ) function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { navigateToURL(new URLRequest(clickURL)); } Everything is working fine until I click on this movieclip ... it displays the below message SecurityError

Loading external Swf - sandbox violation

折月煮酒 提交于 2020-01-23 19:55:08
问题 I need a help ... an urgent one !!! I tried so hard to figured it out .. but I couldn't .. so I appreciate your help so much .. I'm developing an Air App using flash ... the app loads an external SWF file dynamically through an xml ... the SWF file has a movieclip that has a listener (ON click ) function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { navigateToURL(new URLRequest(clickURL)); } Everything is working fine until I click on this movieclip ... it displays the below message SecurityError

Saving a bytearray with php received from Flex Air app

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2020-01-23 19:27:47
问题 I have an Air application with remote service in codeigniter. I'm trying to save a bytearray that I received from the Air app but when I save the data I get empty files with the correct filename. So there must be something wrong with my bytearray or the way I save the data. Does anyone have an idea what I'm doing wrong? I've debugged the Arraycollection I sent and the bytearray is definitely in there. public function uploadImage($image) { foreach($image as $img) { $file = $img['name']; $data

Adobe Air for Windows 64 bit?

不问归期 提交于 2020-01-23 03:44:11
问题 We are developing some memory intensive Adobe Air Desktop applications that sometimes peek above the 32 bit 1.3 Gb Limit in Windows and get purged by the OS. Unfortunately we can't find any options from Flex Builder to export to Windows 64 bit. It seems from the Adobe forum that more people are interested in this feature and Adobe seems not committed yet to implemented it. If anyone has the same issue and would like this supported please vote on the Adobe forum:

ActionScript - Forced Garbage Collection Not Working In ADL?

荒凉一梦 提交于 2020-01-23 03:29:06
问题 when launching the following code in ADL, why does the square continue to rotate? var square:Sprite = new Sprite();;, -25, 50, 50); square.x = square.y = 100; addChild(square); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, rotateSquare, false, 0, true); function rotateSquare(evt:Event):void { square.rotation += 2; } System.gc(); Update the following display object has a weak referenced ENTER_FRAME event listener. however, calling:

AS3 Run code continuously while holding a Button down - Air For iOS/Android

徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-01-22 15:04:26
问题 I am developing an iOS game in Flash CS6. I have a basic movement test that I put in an Event.MOUSE_DOWN handler. What I'm expecting/wanting is when I held my finger down on the button, that the player would keep moving until I stop touching the screen. What happens though, is I have to keep constantly tapping to keep the player moving - rather than just hold my finger on the button and the player keeps moving. What code should I use to accomplish what I want? 回答1: To accomplish this, you'll

Adobe AIR - listing installed applications

橙三吉。 提交于 2020-01-21 05:39:06
问题 Is it possible to get list of installed AIR applications, optionally only by one vendor? Or, is it possible to check, whether is one application (checked by name/some id/vendor) installed (this method would be preferred) Thank you. 回答1: You can do this: private function loadAIR():void { var loader:Loader = new Loader(); var loaderContext:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(); loaderContext.applicationDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain; loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT,