
aiohttp set number of requests per second

拥有回忆 提交于 2021-01-29 05:18:08
问题 I'm writing an API in Flask with 1000+ requests to get data and I'd like to limit the number of requests per second. I tried with: conn = aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit_per_host=20) and conn = aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit=20) But is seems doesn't work My code looks like this: import logging import asyncio import aiohttp logging.basicConfig(filename="logfilename.log", level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(message)s') async def fetch(session, url): async with session.get(url,

How do I get the attachments from an incoming Mailgun route?

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2021-01-28 18:24:54
问题 I am using aiohttp . I have an api which handles Mailgun routed data. The emails have multiple attachments. I am not able to read all of the attachments. It just gives me a single one. data is what I receive. str(list(data.keys())) gives me the list - ['Content-Type', 'Date', 'Dkim-Signature', 'From', 'Message-Id', 'Mime-Version', 'Received', 'Received', 'Received', 'Subject', 'To', 'X-Envelope-From', 'X-Mailgun-Incoming', 'X-Received', 'attachment-count', 'body-html', 'body-plain', 'from',

python async post requests

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2021-01-21 05:06:48
问题 I was wondering if there was any way to make this script a lot faster - like instantly create 1000 accounts for example or at least in a matter of a few seconds. I’ve tried doing some async stuff myself but this is as far as I could get, I am just a beginner with asynchronous programming so any help is appreciated. import asyncio import aiohttp async def make_numbers(numbers, _numbers): for i in range(numbers, _numbers): yield i async def make_account(): url = "


最后都变了- 提交于 2021-01-14 00:34:51
asynci o官网 下面为伪代码: import aiohttp import asyncio from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pandas as pd # 将数据存入 li = []或数据库 #获取页面 li = [] async def fetch(url,session): async with session. get (url) as response: return await response.text # 解析网页 async def parse(html): soup = BeautifulSoup(html, ' lxml ' ) # 获取网页中的畅销书 book_list =soup.find( ' ul ' ,class_= ' book_list ' )( ' li ' ) for book in book_list: info =book.find_all( ' div ' ) # 获取每本畅销书的排名,名称,评论数,作者,出版社 rank = info[ 0 ].text[ 0 :- 1 ] name = info[ 2 ].text comments = info[ 3 ].text

浅度测评:requests、aiohttp、httpx 我应该用哪一个?

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2021-01-04 07:04:03
摄影: 产品经理 与产品经理环游世界 在 Python 众多的 HTTP 客户端中,最有名的莫过于 requests 、 aiohttp 和 httpx 。在不借助其他第三方库的情况下, requests 只能发送同步请求; aiohttp 只能发送异步请求; httpx 既能发送同步请求,又能发送异步请求。 所谓的同步请求,是指在单进程单线程的代码中,发起一次请求后,在收到返回结果之前,不能发起下一次请求。所谓异步请求,是指在单进程单线程的代码中,发起一次请求后,在等待网站返回结果的时间里,可以继续发送更多请求。 今天我们来一个浅度测评,仅仅以多次发送 POST 请求这个角度来对比这三个库的性能。 测试使用的 HTTP 服务地址为http://,向它发送 POST 请求的格式如下图所示: 请求发送的 ts 字段日期距离今天大于10天,那么返回 {"success": false} ,如果小于等于10天,那么返回 {"success": true} 。 首先我们通过各个客户端使用相同的参数只发送一次请求,看看效果。 发送一次请求 requests import requests resp = '' , json={ 'ts' : '2020

Maintain a client-side http cache with aiohttp

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2021-01-04 06:46:43
问题 I have a synchronous app using cache-control + requests which works well with a local filesystem cache. I'm looking to migrate this to an async project using aiohttp-client however, it looks like there aren't any client-side caching libraries that work with it? Are there any async HTTP clients in Python that I can use a local cache with? 来源:

Maintain a client-side http cache with aiohttp

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2021-01-04 06:41:45
问题 I have a synchronous app using cache-control + requests which works well with a local filesystem cache. I'm looking to migrate this to an async project using aiohttp-client however, it looks like there aren't any client-side caching libraries that work with it? Are there any async HTTP clients in Python that I can use a local cache with? 来源:

浅度测评:requests、aiohttp、httpx 我应该用哪一个?

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2021-01-03 09:25:25
在武汉,房子里待着,不出去影响世界了,转载点文章。 在 Python 众多的 HTTP 客户端中,最有名的莫过于 requests 、 aiohttp 和 httpx 。在不借助其他第三方库的情况下, requests 只能发送同步请求; aiohttp 只能发送异步请求; httpx 既能发送同步请求,又能发送异步请求。 所谓的同步请求,是指在单进程单线程的代码中,发起一次请求后,在收到返回结果之前,不能发起下一次请求。所谓异步请求,是指在单进程单线程的代码中,发起一次请求后,在等待网站返回结果的时间里,可以继续发送更多请求。 今天我们来一个浅度测评,仅仅以多次发送 POST 请求这个角度来对比这三个库的性能。 测试使用的 HTTP 服务地址为http://,向它发送 POST 请求的格式如下图所示: 请求发送的 ts 字段日期距离今天大于10天,那么返回 {"success": false} ,如果小于等于10天,那么返回 {"success": true} 。 首先我们通过各个客户端使用相同的参数只发送一次请求,看看效果。 发送一次请求 requests import requests resp = '' , json={ 'ts' :

How to use pytest-aiohttp fixtures with scope session

痞子三分冷 提交于 2021-01-02 06:07:10
问题 I am trying to write tests for aiohttp application. I am using pytest-aiohttp plugin. My intention is to initialize and run the application once before first test execution and tear down after all tests finished. pytest-aiohttp fixtures like 'loop', 'test_client' are very helpful but they have scope='function' which means I can not use them from my own fixture with scope='session'. Is there a way to workaround this? And if not then what would be a proper approach for achieving my goal without

asyncio/aiohttp - create_task() blocks event loop, gather results in “This event loop is already running ”

落花浮王杯 提交于 2021-01-01 08:15:08
问题 I cannot get both my consumer and my producer running at the same time, it seems worker(), or the aiohttp server are blocking - even when executed simultaneously with asyncio.gather() If instead I do loop.create_task(worker), this will block and server will never be started. I've tried every variation I can imagine, including nest_asyncio module - and I can only ever get one of the two components running. What am I doing wrong? async def worker(): batch_size = 30 print("running worker") while