
Ads in recyclerview

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2020-08-26 13:42:19
问题 I have an app that stores some data in room database. At first, my adapter was like that: public class ViewCourseAdapter extends ListAdapter<Course, ViewCourseAdapter.ViewCourseHolder> { private int previousPosition = 0; public ViewCourseAdapter() { super(DIFF_CALLBACK); } private static final DiffUtil.ItemCallback<Course> DIFF_CALLBACK = new DiffUtil.ItemCallback<Course>() { @Override public boolean areItemsTheSame(@NonNull Course oldItem, @NonNull Course newItem) { return oldItem.getId() ==

How to hide banner ad when navigating to next page in flutter?

眉间皱痕 提交于 2020-07-05 06:24:37
问题 I am setting ads in flutter app using firebase_admob plugin. I tried banner ad and it is working fine but, when i navigate to another page it still remains at its position. I want that ad should hide when navigating to another page. The code snippet is as follows. BannerAd myBanner = BannerAd( // Replace the testAdUnitId with an ad unit id from the AdMob dash. // // adUnitId: BannerAd

How to hide banner ad when navigating to next page in flutter?

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-07-05 06:24:11
问题 I am setting ads in flutter app using firebase_admob plugin. I tried banner ad and it is working fine but, when i navigate to another page it still remains at its position. I want that ad should hide when navigating to another page. The code snippet is as follows. BannerAd myBanner = BannerAd( // Replace the testAdUnitId with an ad unit id from the AdMob dash. // // adUnitId: BannerAd

Android - ConsentInformation - Could not parse Event FE preflight response

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-05-12 19:57:51
问题 I ve seen this error posted in many places but no one has ever answered what needs to be done to fix it or why is it happening. I m hoping I ll have better luck. ConsentInformation consentInformation = ConsentInformation.getInstance(getActivity()); String[] publisherIds = {"pub-**********~*******"}; consentInformation.requestConsentInfoUpdate(publisherIds, new ConsentInfoUpdateListener() { @Override public void onConsentInfoUpdated( consentStatus) { //do

Why my Admob Rewarded Video Ad Failed to load again and again?

前提是你 提交于 2020-04-16 05:35:10
问题 I just want to display Rewarded Video Ad by using test id but it failed again and again while loading.Someone can tell me that what I am doing wrong. Here is my Main Activity Kotlin. import import android.os.Bundle import android.widget.Toast import import import import import com

[转帖]陌陌2019全年净营收170.151亿元 同比增长27%

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2020-03-21 08:38:09
陌陌2019全年净营收170.151亿元 同比增长27% 投递人 itwriter 发布于 2020-03-19 18:18 评论(0) 有83人阅读 原文链接 [收藏] « » 查了下 陌陌的历史 记得最开始就是一个约+炮软件.. 没想到发展的这么快 都快200亿的营收了.. 创始人 1979年的 32岁创业.    划重点 2019 年第四季度,陌陌公司净营收达 46.879 亿元(约 6.734 亿美元),同比增长 22%。不按照美国通用会计准则计量,2019 年四季度归属于陌陌母公司的净利润为 12.525 亿元(约 1.799 亿美元)。 2019 年全年,陌陌公司净营收达到 170.151 亿元(约 24.441 亿美元),同比增长 27%。不按照美国通用会计准则计量,归属于陌陌母公司的净利润为 44.933 亿元(约 6.454 亿美元)。 2019 年 12 月,陌陌主 App 月度活跃用户为 1.145 亿,上一年同期月度活跃用户为 1.133 亿。   腾讯科技讯,3 月 19 日消息,陌陌(Nasdaq: MOMO)公布了 2019 年第四季度及 2019 年全年未经审计的财务业绩。财报显示,2019 年第四季度,陌陌公司净营收达 46.879 亿元(约 6.734 亿美元),同比增长 22