
Persisting 3rd party objects with JPA

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:52:02
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: In my current project I am using a 3rd party library which has no JPA annotations. How can I persist objects from that library using JPA and external mappings? 回答1: Check this and this . In short: Create META-INF/orm.xml Follow (read) the .xsd You don't have to manually map each column - only some specifics (i.e. collections and the id) are required. All fields are assumed to be columns (if the class is mapped). If there are no collections, something like this suffices: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <entity-mappings xmlns="http:/

Stateless RESTful API and 3rd party authentication

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:51:02
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I want to use 3rd party authentication (OpenID, maybe OAuth but I guess OAuth is meant for authorization ) so that user can login easily. But does authenticating on every request means I call the 3rd party (eg. Google) many times even if I don't need any thing from it? For example, I use OpenID authentication but the API I use is something internal (eg. /api/tasks/add). 回答1: Let's fix understanding issues first. OpenID and OAuth are a bit different. There is a simple way to memorize that different: OpenID is for humans. Simple example: you

Angular: Creating plugins for 3rd party packages (libraries)

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:50:02
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I created Angular Library ( ngx-wig ) and I would like to provide an ability to extend its functionality by using plugins . What would be the best place to declare plugin in Angular? ( may be something like myLibModule.forRoot(..) ) and what type of instance should be plugin itself? I solved same issue for AngularJs just by adding module for each plugin in which I register plugin by using configProvider of main module. Don't really like this solution because plugin registers itself, but it should be responsibility of applications where

3rd Party Libraries and Py2exe

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:35:01
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: How would I go about bundling, say, Beautiful soup into an exe along with my code using py2exe? The code I am using for my setup.py right now is from distutils.core import setup import py2exe # equivalent command line with options is: # python setup.py py2exe --compressed --bundle-files=2 --dist-dir="my/dist/dir" --dll-excludes="w9xpopen.exe" options = {'py2exe': { 'compressed':1, 'bundle_files': 1, 'dist_dir': "exe/dist/dir" 'dll_excludes' }} setup(console=[''], options=options,zipfile = None) 回答1: In your options you can add an attribute

WiX - Install Prerequisites and 3rd party applications

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:13:02
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I have a wix Windows Installer for my C# application. Things are working, I am able to install and uninstall the application. But I have few Prerequisites and other 3rd party applications that I want to install with my application. Prerequisites: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (x86 and x64) - dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe SQL Server 2008 Express SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.EXE SQLEXPR32_x86_ENU.EXE SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 SSCERuntime-ENU.msi SSCERuntime-ENU-x64.msi 3rd Party Application: TeamViewer - TeamViewer_Setup.exe So of-course I am not looking for

How can I bind sources of 3rd party jar to eclipse for debugging when jar is not on the class path

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:09:02
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 由 翻译 强力驱动 问题: I am using a 3rd party, open-source jar in my application. I develop the application in Eclipse. The jar is actually not on the classpath of the application, it is dynamically loaded by dependency injection framework (OSGI Felix here). I have sources of the jar, but I do not want to build it. How to to bind the sources to the jar in the Eclipse, so that I can put breakpoints and debug through code of this jar? I think that differs if the jar is on the classpath, so I stress this fact. 回答1: When you step into your method in Eclipse,

Why is Eclipse not attaching 3rd party libs source files to a WTP-faceted Gradle project?

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 00:59:01
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 选择语言 中文(简体) 日语 英语 中文(繁体) 由 翻译 强力驱动 问题: The sources are downloaded in the Gradle cache and the classpath-entries for the source files looks ok, but Eclipse does not show the source files for 3rd party libs. 回答1: That's a weird behavior in Eclipse with the generated .classpath-file. Just put the 'Web App Libraries' entry at the bottom of your classpath file (-> Java Build Path -> Order and Export). The best solution is to enhance your gradle.build file (then you don't need to reorder your build path each time you generate the classpath file via


﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-01 16:14:47
1、方式一:(ZC:"LIBPATH"中写路径,"LIBS"中写lib文件名[不带后缀]) LIBPATH += F:/ZC_IDE/VC_3rd/libxml2/iconv-1.9.2.win32/lib \ F:/ZC_IDE/VC_3rd/libxml2/libxml2-2.6.30.win32/lib \ F:/ZC_IDE/VC_3rd/libxml2/zlib-1.2.3.win32/lib LIBS += -liconv \ -llibxml2 \ -lzlib 2、方式二:("-L后面没有空格,直接跟着地址,然后空格,-l后面是去掉lib之后的文件名",ZC:这样就组成了一组,这样qmake编译器就可以通过路径+文件名正确的定位到库文件了) LIBS += -LC:/Botan/lib -lbotan # LIBS += -L$$PWD/3rd/lib -llualib1.0 # //$PWD表示当前目录 原来库名:lualib1.0.lib # INCLUDEPATH += PWD/3rd/include 3、 4、 5、 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/cppskill/p/11692368.html


让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-11-28 07:07:07
学习这个时,要和Kubeflow作比较, 看看它们俩在解决和规范机器学习流程方面的思路异同。 mlflow三大内涵: Tracking, Projects, Models。 一,基础镜像 harbor.xxx.com.cn/3rd_part/continuumio/anaconda3:5.1.0 二,安装命令 1, 启用docker容器 docker run -it --rm harbor.xxx.com.cn/3rd_part/continuumio/anaconda3:5.1.0 bash 2, Pip安装 pip install mlflow 三,建立一个mlflow server mlflow server --backend-store-uri /root/mlflow-1.2.0/examples/mlruns --host 四,官网文档 https://www.mlflow.org/docs/latest/quickstart.html 五,跑一个demo任务 mlflow run sklearn_elasticnet_wine -P alpha=0.5 六,也可以在notebook里跑 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/aguncn/p/11397879.html

[导入]竟然支持OpenGL ES!

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-11-26 15:14:01
今天意外的发现,原来S60 3rd原生支持OpenGL ES,这下又给我多了乐趣了~~可是很遗憾,我的E50性能不强劲,还是有独立显卡的N93强悍测试达到442 Frames,而我的E50只有可怜的81 Frames。还好,第三版的性能确实要比以前的第二版强劲一些,N70只能跑到77 Frames,而且屏幕分辨率只有176 x 208,而E50有320 x 240。以后写点小程序到E50上面跑跑,哈哈。 看来学习OpenGL确实还没有白费,跨平台的玩意儿用起来就是爽啊!有空在看看Open C for S60 3rd,天啊~天天都在东学西学,到底学到了些什么呢~~~只能做些小玩意儿玩玩啦,毕竟只有这点点追求~ 文章来源: http://www.hesicong.net/pjblog/default.asp?id=251 转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/hesicong/archive/2007/07/21/831713.html 来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_30563319/article/details/98913642