
Playing audio from URL give me this log error and stuck .(Swift)

匆匆过客 提交于 2020-01-14 12:42:08
问题 I had audio playing through URL, it is working fine using Wifi network but when i change to 3G or Data, it would give this error and it stuck at loading. > CredStore - performQuery - Error copying matching creds. Error=-25300, query={ class = inet; "m_Limit" = "m_LimitAll"; "r_Attributes" = 1; sync = syna; } <<<< AVOutputDeviceDiscoverySession (FigRouteDiscoverer) >>>> -[AVFigRouteDiscovererOutputDeviceDiscoverySessionImpl outputDeviceDiscoverySessionDidChangeDiscoveryMode:]: Setting device

HTTPS request on old iphone 3g

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-01-14 10:23:12
问题 Anyone else having issues with getting a https request working on the old iphone. From connection did fail with error the error message is as follows. ERROR with theConnection:Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1202 "The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be “www.ourwesbite.co.uk” which could put your confidential information at risk." The "ourwebsite" has a valid certificate and also this problem does not arise in any new iphone

HTTPS request on old iphone 3g

流过昼夜 提交于 2020-01-14 10:23:05
问题 Anyone else having issues with getting a https request working on the old iphone. From connection did fail with error the error message is as follows. ERROR with theConnection:Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1202 "The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be “www.ourwesbite.co.uk” which could put your confidential information at risk." The "ourwebsite" has a valid certificate and also this problem does not arise in any new iphone


倖福魔咒の 提交于 2020-01-13 19:08:33
  随着人们对视频质量要求越来越高,对传输距离要求越来越远的趋势,超高清视频信号数据量愈来愈大,传输率愈来愈高。基于5G网络对超高清视频的良好承载能力,超高清视频逐渐广泛应用在远程直播、远程安防监控、远程医疗等场景。   视频接口类型主要有HDMI、SDI、VGA、DVI、色差分量、AV、S端子等。SDI接口是数字分量串行接口(serial digital interface)的首字母缩写,是由SMPTE(Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers)组织制定的一种数字视频接口标准。 SDI光模块 应运而生。    SDI SFP光模块是什么? https://www.gigalight.com/cn/pon-transceivers.html   SDI SFP光模块及其相关产品是为广电行业设计,应用于电视台演播厅、动物拍摄、电影拍摄、大型体育赛事直播现场,后来延伸至1080 PHD监控领域。SDI SFP光模块也被称为数字视频光模块或SDI(串行数字接口)光模块,主要作用是用来支持SDI设备的SDI视频病理信号。   SDI SFP光模块用于提供视频传输,用在HD-SDI光端机上。众所周知,视频传输与数据通信不同,它们的根本区别在于视频以单向方式传输,这意味着视频链路可能只是传输光信号或者电信号,因此,SDI


半世苍凉 提交于 2020-01-10 10:42:56
802.11 802.11是IEEE最初制定的一个无线局域网标准,主要用于解决办公室局域网和校园网中用户与用户终端的无线接入,业务主要限于数据存取,速率最高只能达到2Mbps。由于它在速率和传输距离上都不能满足人们的需要,因此,IEEE小组又相继推出了802.11b和802.11a两个新标准,前者已经成为目前的主流标准,而后者也被很多厂商看好。 802.11b 802.11b采用2.4GHz直接序列扩频,最大数据传输速率为11Mb/s,无须直线传播。动态速率转换当射频情况变差时,可将数据传输速率降低为5.5Mb/s、2Mb/s和1Mb/s。使用范围 支持的范围是在室外为300米,在办公环境中最长为100米。802.11b使用与以太网类似的连接协议和数据包确认,来提供可靠的数据传送和网络带宽的有效使用。 802.11a 802.11a标准是已在办公室、家庭、宾馆、机场等众多场合得到广泛应用的802.11b无线联网标准的后续标准。它工作在5GHzU-NII频带,物理层速率可达54Mb/s,传输层可达25Mbps。可提供25Mbps的无线ATM接口和10Mbps的以太网无线帧结构接口,以及TDD/TDMA的空中接口;支持语音、数据、图像业务;一个扇区可接入多个用户,每个用户可带多个用户终端。 现在一些厂商对于该标准的计划已提到议事日程。例如


做~自己de王妃 提交于 2020-01-08 22:22:54
上、下行信息如何复用有限的无线资源,这是所有无线制式必须考虑的双工技术问题。以往的无线制式要么支持时分双工(TDD)要么支持频分双工(FDD),而LTE标准即支持TDD,又支持FDD,分别对应着不同的帧结构设计。 1.两种双工模式 LTE支持两种双工模式:TDD和FDD,于是LTE定义了两种帧结构:TDD帧结构和FDD帧结构。 LTE标准制定之初就充分考虑了TDD和FDD双工方式在实现中的异同,增大两者共同点、减少两者差异点。两种帧结构设计的差别,会导致系统实现方面的不同,但主要的不同集中在物理层(PHY)的实现上,而在媒介接入控制层(MAC)、无线链路控制(RLC)层的差别不大,在更高层的设计上几乎没有什么不同。 从设备实现的角度来讲,差别仅在于物理层软件和射频模块硬件(如滤波器),网络侧绝大多数网元可以共用,TDD相关厂家可以共享FDD成熟的产业链带来的便利。但终端射频模块存在差异,这样终端的成熟度决定了LTE TDD和LTE FDD各自网络的竞争力。 1.1 FDD和TDD FDD的关键词是“共同的时间、不同的频率”。FDD在两个分离的、对称的频率信道上分别进行接收和发送。FDD必须采用成对的频率区分上行和下行链路,上下行频率间必须有保护频段。FDD的上、下行在时间上是连续的,可以同时接收和发送数据。 TDD的关键词是“共同的频率、不同的时间”

3G Signal Strength on Windows (Desktop)

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2020-01-07 01:52:27
问题 I'm trying to get the signal strength for a 3G connection in a .NET application with the following method: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd323166(v=vs.85).aspx The .NET wrapper returns a uint between 0 and 31. I usually get values between 0 and 4 from the method which translates to -113 dBm and -105 dBm values which would indicate a very weak signal, even though the connection is pretty fast and the connection icon on the Windows task bar shows 4-5 white bars. What

Avoiding image compression on some 3G networks

流过昼夜 提交于 2020-01-02 09:55:46
问题 I want to download an image from the 'net and set it as the users background. This works great over wi-fi, and some 3G networks, but others (T-Mobile UK, for sure) seem to compress the images before sending them. This effect is noticeable when using the browser, too - however, if you long press on an image and save it, when viewing in the gallery it is either not compressed at all, or substantially less so. I want to be able to do this in my own app. I assume it has something to do with the

Why do I always get NSURLConnection timeouts when downloading images over cellular networks?

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-01-02 05:57:29
问题 My app appears to work terribly over cellular networks - the UI often has spinners instead of images, but not always. It uses NSURLConnections driven by concurrent NSOperations. It works fine on WIFI - no problems at all. I discovered I'm getting many NSURLConnection timeouts, but have no idea why. How can I track this problem down? 回答1: To track down the problem, I first measured the maximum number of concurrent connections, and discovered that this was consistently around 55. reduced the

Wifi and 3G same time

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-01-02 01:21:10
问题 For my App I need Data from both, a local Network and the Internet. The local Network (Wifi) has no connection to the internet so I have to use the mobile connection (3G for Example). But whenever I connect to the local Network, 3G stopps. After asking the Samsung Service, there is no way to change that in the UI. But they couldn't tell me, if there is a programmable Interface for that. There is a mobile access point inside, so there is a way to connect a Wifi device to the Internet (which