html5mode gives 404 not found

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-13 07:41:39


I'm trying to remove the hashtag from the URL in my AngularJS app. I'm using Web API 2.0 to retrieve some data. This is what I've done:

In my app.js

app.config(function($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {
            .when("/products", {
                templateUrl: "app/products/productListView.html"
            .when("/products/:id", {
                templateUrl: "app/products/productInfoView.html" 
            .otherwise({ redirectTo: "/products" });


I've also added <base href="/"> to my index.html.

It works fine when I go to http://localhost:49767/ and navigate from there using links.

For example, clicking a product takes me to http://localhost:49767/products/5 and loads the information just fine. However, if I go directly to http://localhost:49767/products or directly to a specific product I get 404 not found error from IIS.

What am I missing?


You have to configure your server to work with html5mode.

ASP.Net C# Rewrites

In Global.asax

private const string ROOT_DOCUMENT = "/default.aspx";

protected void Application_BeginRequest( Object sender, EventArgs e )
    string url = Request.Url.LocalPath;
    if ( !System.IO.File.Exists( Context.Server.MapPath( url ) ) )
        Context.RewritePath( ROOT_DOCUMENT );

See this link for more information


In my app, my way is :

delete $locationProvider.html5Mode(true);

and <a href="#/products/1">1</a><a href="#/products/2">2</a>

