Unbound Local error in Python I can't shake!

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-12 06:09:32



I keep getting an unbound local error. I don't understand why it occurs, if the program is running right, it should go straight into the second assignment of the print_et_list function within the main function, looping itself without actually looping. The program only quits using sys.exit() in the hey_user function.

I included the whole program for context, it isn't too long. Let me know if you want to have a look at the text files I use in the program, however I'm sure it's unlikely that it is the source of the problem.


UnboundLocalError happens when you read the value of a local variable before you set it. Why is score a local variable rather than a global variable? Because you set it in the function. Consider these two functions:

def foo():
    print a


def bar():
    a = 1
    print a

In foo(), a is global, because it is not set inside the function. In bar(), a is local. Now consider this code:

def baz():
    print a
    a = 1

Here, a is set within the function, so it's local. But it hasn't been set at the time of the print statement, so you get the UnboundLocalError.


You forgot to pass score into hey_user().


Looks like it's probably the score variable. It's a local in main(), but you try to reference it in hey_user().


If you want to make score a global variable, be sure to declare it with the global statement:

def main (): global score score = 0 question, solution = print_et_list() scoresofar = hey_user (solution) print "\nYour score is now", scoresofar question, solution = print_et_list()

