
Using Powershell environmental variables as strings when outputting files

三世轮回 提交于 2021-02-19 18:50:43
问题 I am using Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo to generate a computer's serial number and a hash code and export that info as a CSV. Here is the code I usually use: new-item "c:\Autopilot_Export" -type directory -force Set-Location "C:\Autopilot_Export" Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo.ps1 -OutputFile Autopilot_CSV.csv Robocopy C:\Autopilot_Export \\Zapp\pc\Hash_Exports /copyall This outputs a CSV file named "Autopilot_CSV.csv" to the C:\Autopilot_Export directory and then Robocopy copies it to the Network

Do we have short circuit logical operators in C shell script?

血红的双手。 提交于 2021-02-19 07:23:12
问题 I thought C shell script will behave like C and use short circuit evaluation for logical operators. if ((! -e $cache ) || ("`find $monitor -newer $cache`" != "")) then ... endif But in the if statement, even if the first condition is true, the second is checked giving me errors. Do we have a short circuit logical OR in C shell script? 回答1: Usually, && and || are short-circut. Consider something like this: $ false && echo foo $ true || echo foo In both cases, foo won't be put out. But, AFAIK

Powershell: What's the difference between Alias and Function?

岁酱吖の 提交于 2021-02-18 07:04:30
问题 Im setting up my powershell profile to create aliases of commonly used commands. On Microsoft's documentation it says, if I want to make an alias for a command with parameters, I should make the value of the alias a Function that does that.. However, when I type the name of the function in the command line it works just as well as an alias. In other words, in the above picture, if I typed CD32 it would behave the same as if I typed Go in the command line So my question is: Why do I use

Set docker image username at container creation time?

半世苍凉 提交于 2021-02-17 21:25:08
问题 I have an OpenSuse 42.3 docker image that I've configured to run a code. The image has a single user(other than root) called "myuser" that I create during the initial Image generation via the Dockerfile. I have three script files that generate a container from the image based on what operating system a user is on. Question : Can the username "myuser" in the container be set to the username of the user that executes the container generation script? My goal is to let a user pop into the

Python scripts in /usr/bin

社会主义新天地 提交于 2021-02-17 15:16:41
问题 I'm writing a pretty basic application in python (it's only one file at the moment). My question is how do I get it so the python script is able to be run in /usr/bin without the .py extension? For example, instead of running python args from the directory where it currently is, I want to be able to cd to any directory and do htswap args Thanks in advance! 回答1: Simply strip off the .py extension by renaming the file. Then, you have to put the following line at the top of your file:

Automatizing web browser form filling in Python

百般思念 提交于 2021-02-17 14:50:47
问题 Question: Hi. I am a beginner trying to learn Python, and for one of my first projects I want to write a script that will fill out a survey automatically for me . I am familiar with coding, and I have most of the code written to solve this problem. What I am struggling is to write a method that will hit button #1 in question #1, or that will push any given button. One way I've realized I can do this, is perhaps by writing a script to press tab-> up-> down-> tab-> up -> down in the order

How to call external script from X3D and get data back?

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2021-02-17 06:26:04
问题 I want to call external PHP script from X3D model. And get result to the variable in X3D. As I read, this maybe can be done on JS. Script { url [ "", "ecmascript: function foo() { ... }" ] } Is it right? Are there any full code examples, will it work at all? 来源:

JMeter - when NOT to use Cache compiled script if available

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2021-02-16 14:21:35
问题 I want to know when checking Cache compiled script if available checkbox is wrong, Following Best practices there are some situations that Cache compiled script shouldn't be used, but the example of not using ${varName} is wrong, I did a test and the value it's taking is the updated value of ${varName} and not the first value. When using JSR 223 elements, it is advised to check Cache compiled script if available property to ensure the script compilation is cached if underlying language

How to extract characters between the delimiters using sed?

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2021-02-12 11:41:22
问题 I have just started learning sed. I want to extract and print the characters between the > and < delimiters. Here the text in my data file: <span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_lblRollNo">12029</span> <br /><b>Engineering & IT/Computer Science</b><br /> <div id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_divEngITMerit"> <span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_lblEngITSelListNo">3rd Provisional Selection List</span> <tr><td style='width: 200px' class='TblTRData'>IT/Computer Science/Software</td><td style='width:

How to extract characters between the delimiters using sed?

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2021-02-12 11:41:06
问题 I have just started learning sed. I want to extract and print the characters between the > and < delimiters. Here the text in my data file: <span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_lblRollNo">12029</span> <br /><b>Engineering & IT/Computer Science</b><br /> <div id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_divEngITMerit"> <span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_lblEngITSelListNo">3rd Provisional Selection List</span> <tr><td style='width: 200px' class='TblTRData'>IT/Computer Science/Software</td><td style='width: