
Serialize one class in two different ways with Jackson

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2020-01-20 04:57:08
问题 In one of our projects we use a java webapp talking to a MongoDB instance. In the database, we use DBRefs to keep track of some object relations. We (de)serialize with POJO objects using jackson (using mongodb-jackson-mapper). However, we use the same POJOs to then (de)serialize to the outside world, where our front end deals with presenting the JSON. Now, we need a way for the serialization for the outside world to contain the referenced object from a DBRef (so that the UI can present the

Efficient POJO mapping to/from Java Mongo DBObject using Jackson

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-20 11:35:39
问题 Although similar to Convert DBObject to a POJO using MongoDB Java Driver my question is different in that I am specifically interested in using Jackson for mapping. I have an object which I want to convert to a Mongo DBObject instance. I want to use the Jackson JSON framework to do the job. One way to do so is: DBObject dbo = (DBObject)JSON.parse(m_objectMapper.writeValueAsString(entity)); However, according to

How to use Jackson ObjectMapper to parse json response to java objects

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-12 18:22:44
问题 Here is my Json response "postedevent": [ { "status": "true", "event_id": "800", "num_of_image_event": "0", "title": "Testy", "photo": "", "event_date": "2014-08-29", "fullDate": "Friday - August 29, 2014", "event_from": "12:00AM", "event_to": "12:15AM", "city": "Ahm", "state": "CA", "member_id": "471", "username": "Krishna Mohan", "pencil": "yes", "attend": "yes", "company": "Development" } ] this is java

Serialize one class in two different ways with Jackson

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-11-29 07:14:42
In one of our projects we use a java webapp talking to a MongoDB instance. In the database, we use DBRefs to keep track of some object relations. We (de)serialize with POJO objects using jackson (using mongodb-jackson-mapper). However, we use the same POJOs to then (de)serialize to the outside world, where our front end deals with presenting the JSON. Now, we need a way for the serialization for the outside world to contain the referenced object from a DBRef (so that the UI can present the full object), while we obviously want to have the DBRef written to the database, and not the whole object