weird ios libprotobuf.dylib cause crash

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 03:03:02


i have my own protobuf compiled in the project (in the main target, not a lib), but I found a crash which is caused by protobuf code in libprotobuf.dylib ( which in my guess is a newly included lib in new version of device -- mine is ipad air).

* thread #1: tid = 0x6598, 0x0027e96e TutorChat`void google::protobuf::internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBase::Destroy<google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<google::protobuf::UninterpretedOption>::TypeHandler>(this=0x1567158c) + 66 at repeated_field.h:814, queue = ', stop reason = breakpoint 2.41     frame #0: 0x0027e96e TutorChat`void google::protobuf::internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBase::Destroy<google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<google::protobuf::UninterpretedOption>::TypeHandler>(this=0x1567158c) + 66 at repeated_field.h:814     frame #1: 0x37f231f2 libprotobuf.dylib`google::protobuf::FileOptions::~FileOptions() + 38     frame #2: 0x37f231be libprotobuf.dylib`google::protobuf::FileOptions::~FileOptions() + 10     frame #3: 0x37f18764 libprotobuf.dylib`google::protobuf::FileDescriptorProto::~FileDescriptorProto() + 56     frame #4: 0x37f11296 libprotobuf.dylib`google::protobuf::EncodedDescriptorDatabase::Add(void const*, int) + 206     frame #5: 0x37ef13d0 libprotobuf.dylib`google::protobuf::DescriptorPool::InternalAddGeneratedFile(void const*, int) + 76     frame #6: 0x37f1696a libprotobuf.dylib`google::protobuf::protobuf_AddDesc_google_2fprotobuf_2fdescriptor_2eproto() + 146     frame #7: 0x37f2a580 libprotobuf.dylib`_GLOBAL__I_a + 8     frame #8: 0x2be0e5a0 dyld`ImageLoaderMachO::doModInitFunctions(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 176     frame #9: 0x2be0e6b0 dyld`ImageLoaderMachO::doInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 20     frame #10: 0x2be0bd36 dyld`ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 358     frame #11: 0x2be0bcb8 dyld`ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 232     frame #12: 0x2be0bb8c dyld`ImageLoader::runInitializers(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 40     frame #13: 0x2be05276 dyld`dyld::runInitializers(ImageLoader*) + 78     frame #14: 0x2be092c2 dyld`dlopen + 1030     frame #15: 0x381d978c libdyld.dylib`dlopen + 48     frame #16: 0x2f863794 libGFXShared.dylib`gfxInitializeLibrary + 1056     frame #17: 0x2f7940fc GLEngine`gliInitializeLibrary + 44     frame #18: 0x2f856b60 OpenGLES`eagl_init + 436     frame #19: 0x2f856792 OpenGLES`-[EAGLSharegroup initWithAPI:sharedWithCompute:] + 114     frame #20: 0x2f855b7e OpenGLES`-[EAGLContext initWithAPI:properties:] + 242     frame #21: 0x0179870e libglInterpose.dylib`EAGLContext_initWithAPIProperties(EAGLContext*, objc_selector*, unsigned int, NSDictionary*) + 74     frame #22: 0x2f8559de OpenGLES`-[EAGLContext initWithAPI:sharedWithCompute:] + 142 

I guess the internal lib ImageLoader loads protobuf as its need, and this overwrites my own symbols. So I am wondering is there any way to make things right?


Yes, ImageLoader on the newer devices (iPhone 5S and apparently iPad air) has its own copy of Protocol Buffers which causes symbol collisions.

I hacked around this by editing my google/protobuf/stubs/common.h and inserting the following line near the top of the file:

#define google myapp 

Now, my copy of the Google protobuf implementation uses the namespace "myapp" instead of "google" and so the symbols don't collide with the system ones.


I am experiencing the same issue. Taking a queue from lincolnq I modified my protobuf build script to rename the ::google namespace to ::google_public in my build. This works around the issue with the Apple private build of protobuf.

I have published a script that creates a build of protobuf that will work. You can take a look here:

The script will produce a fat binary for the library that works with all architectures. It also builds the protoc compiler so you can run it as a custom build step to compile your .proto files.


-- Bennett


I just ran into the problem today. I'm building with Symbols Hidden by Default set to YES (as well as the inline counterpart). After extensive examination with nm -g, this hides the exported Google protobuf symbols Apple seemed to be calling (which are different than the ones you got, but still in the same place; Image loading).

I'll update this answer after Apple approves us and I verify it works.
