Aligning Data frame with missing values

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-11-27 15:49:10

There are actually three solutions here:

  1. pad NA to fitted values ourselves;
  2. use predict() to compute fitted values;
  3. drop incomplete cases ourselves and pass only complete cases to lm().

Option 1

## row indicator with `NA`
id <- attr(na.omit(dat), "na.action")
fitted <- rep(NA, nrow(dat))
fitted[-id] <- model$fitted
# 2843
# 2843
# 2745

Option 2

## the default NA action for "predict.lm" is "na.pass"
pred <- predict(model, newdata = dat)  ## has to use "newdata = dat" here!
# 2843
# 2843
# 2745

Option 3

Alternatively, you might simply pass a data frame without any NA to lm():

complete.dat <- na.omit(dat)
fit <- lm(death ~ diag + age, data = complete.dat)
# 2745
# 2745
# 2745

In summary,

  • Option 1 does the "alignment" in a straightforward manner by padding NA, but I think people seldom take this approach;
  • Option 2 is really simple, but it is more computationally costly;
  • Option 3 is my favourite as it keeps all things simple.

I use a simple for loop. The fitted values have an attribute (name) of the original row they belonged to. Therefore:

for(i in 1:nrow(data)){

"data" is your original data frame. Fit is the object from the model (i.e. fit <- lm(y~x, data = data))

My answer is an extension to @ithomps solution:

for(i in 1:nrow(data)){
  data$[i]<- ifelse(data$sex == 1, 
    fit.males$fitted.values[paste(i)], "NA")
  data$fitted.values.women[i]<- ifelse(data$sex == 0, 
    fit.females$fitted.values[paste(i)], "NA")
  data$fitted.values.combined[i]<- fit.combo$fitted.values[paste(i)]

Because in my case I ran three models: 1 for males, 1 for females, and 1 for the combined. And to make things "more" convenient: males and females are randomly distributed in my data. Also, I'll have missing data as input for lm(), so I did fit <- lm(y~x, data = data, na.action = na.exclude) to get NAs in my model-object (fit).

Hope this helps others.

(I found it pretty hard to formulate my issue/question, glad I found this post!)
