GFortran and CodeBlocks issue with Modules and Multiple Files

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:03:01


I am working with GFortran and CodeBlocks but I'm having an issue about Modules and Multiple files. i keep getting this error:

Fatal Error: Can't open module file 'mesh.mod' for reading at (1): No such file or directory 

For some reason, GFortran is not building the 'mesh.mod' file. This problem does not occur when I put all the code in a single .f90 file.

Bellow is an example of code that this error happens.


MODULE MESH IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: IMAX,JMAX,NMAX REAL(8), ALLOCATABLE :: XD(:),YD(:),FX(:,:),FY(:,:) REAL(8) :: PI,E,DX,DY,H,L,RHO,MU PARAMETER (PI = ACOS(-1.D0)) PARAMETER (E = 2.718) END MODULE MESH !**************************************************************  program Cavity Use Mesh implicit none Real(8), Allocatable :: func(:) Real(8) :: Der,DfDx integer :: i  IMAX=10 DX=1./10  Allocate(xd(IMAX),func(IMAX))  Do i=1,IMAX    xd(i)=i*DX End Do  Do i=1,IMAX func(i) = xd(i)**2 End Do  Der=Dfdx(func,2) Write(*,*) Der  End program Cavity 


Real(8) Function DfDx(f,i)         Use Mesh         implicit none         Real(8) :: f(1:Imax)         integer :: i             DfDx=(f(i+1)-f(i-1))/(2d0*dx)          return end function DfDx 

When I use console command line compilation instead of CodeBlocks interface I already solved this problem (Compiling Multiple Files with modules) but I'm still getting this problem with CodeBlocks.

Does anyone know how to solve this issue?


Assuming what you have written is how your code is, then it appears that the problem is that the module mesh is inside the main program and not a separate file. You should have three files: Mesh.f90, Derivatives.f90 and Main.f90.

Mesh.f90 is exactly as you have it,

module Mesh    implicit none    integer :: IMAX,JMAX,NMAX    real(8), allocatable :: XD(:),YD(:),FX(:,:),FY(:,:)    real(8) :: PI,E,DX,DY,H,L,RHO,MU    parameter (PI = ACOS(-1.D0))    parameter (E = 2.718) end module Mesh 

Derivatives.f90 should be written as another module, using contains:

module Derivatives    use mesh   contains    real(8) function dfdx(f,i)       real(8) :: f(i:imax)       integer :: i        DfDx=(f(i+1)-f(i-1))/(2d0*dx)     end function dfdx end module Derivatives 

and the Main.f90 will then use both modules. Note that I had to eliminate the variable DfDx; this is because it conflicts with the function DfDx in module Derivatives

program Cavity    Use Mesh    use Derivatives    implicit none    Real(8), Allocatable :: func(:)    Real(8) :: Der    integer :: i       IMAX=10    DX=1./10     Allocate(xd(IMAX),func(IMAX))     Do i=1,IMAX       xd(i)=i*DX    End Do     Do i=1,IMAX       func(i) = xd(i)**2    End Do     Der=Dfdx(func,2)    Write(*,*) Der  End program Cavity 

I do not know how CodeBlocks works, but I would presume it lets you choose the compilation order. If that is the case, you should compile Mesh.f90 first, then Derivatives.f90, then compile Main.f90 before linking them to an executable.

When I compiled & linked them, I got an answer of 0.200000002980232; hopefully that links up to what you have as well.


On codeblock, you may go to Project properties > Build targets Then select the file you want to build first (say mod.f90). In the "Selected file properties" go to "Build" Here,change the priority weight. Lower weight implies the file will be built first.


The problem is that in CodeBlocks "projects are built in the order of appearence, from top to bottom" (CodeBlocks Wiki), in other words, the files are compiled alphabetically. Which means that in my case, Derivatives.f90 was being compiled before than Main.f90 causing the error.

A way to circumvent the problem is to set only the Main.f90 file as build target in CodeBlocks:

  • Menu Project/Properties...
  • In Build Target Files at the tab Build targets check only Main.f90

And use the command Include 'File_Name.f90' inside the Main.f90 code to include the other f90 files for compilation in the right order.
