Django: SocialApp matching query does not exist

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:58:03


I am facing a problem in django-allauth .

I configured localhost:9000/admin/ with following details

socialapp .

provider: Name: Client id: App ID, or consumer key Key: Secret: etc .

I set the SITE_ID = 2 (Because I changed the default site to localhost:9000)

In      INSTALLED_APPS = (         'django.contrib.auth',         'django.contrib.contenttypes',         'django.contrib.sessions',         'django.contrib.sites',         'django.contrib.messages',         'django.contrib.staticfiles',         'django.contrib.admin',         'uni_form',         'allauth',         'allauth.account',         'allauth.socialaccount',         'bootstrapform',         # 'allauth.socialaccount.providers.twitter',         # 'allauth.socialaccount.providers.openid',          'allauth.socialaccount.providers.facebook',     )     SOCIALACCOUNT_PROVIDERS = \         { 'facebook':             { 'SCOPE': ['email', 'publish_stream'],               'AUTH_PARAMS': { 'auth_type': 'reauthenticate' },               'METHOD': 'oauth2' ,               'LOCALE_FUNC': ''} } 

Now when I am going on url http://localhost:9000/accounts/facebook/login

I am getting Error : SocialApp matching query does not exist.

Please help me out what might i am doing wrong here .


Using the Django admin you need to create a SocialApp listing your Facebook app credentials. Make sure that this app is attached to the proper site (as in, django.contrib.sites.models.Site).

In your case, there needs to be a django.contrib.sites.models.Site instance with id=2 (check the sites admin) that is listed as a site for the SocialApp.

If either the SocialApp is missing, or if it is created but not attached to a site matching your settings.SITE_ID, then allauth does not know what app to pick, resulting in the error message you listed above.
