NoClassDefFoundError: org/w3c/dom/ElementTraversal

余生长醉 提交于 2019-11-27 09:24:21

It looks like ElementTraversal is part of xml-apis-2.10.0.jar which should have been provided with your Shibboleth installation.

So if you were following these instructions you should also have followed this step:

Endorse Xerces and Xalan by creating the directory JETTY_HOME/lib/endorsed/ and copy the .jar files included in the IdP source endorsed/ directory into the newly created directory.

So long as you copied all the jar files appropriately, it should be okay. My guess is that you missed out that step - or perhaps only copied the jar files with Xalan or Xerces in the name, and missed the other two.

In my case the problem was fixed by changing xml-apis version from 1.3.04 to 1.4.01.

BTW, version 2.10.0 doesn't exist in Maven Central (I'm curious where did Jon Skeet find it).

Ran Adler

Add this in your file, to resolve the dependency:
