What's the difference between filter and filter_by in SQLAlchemy?

a 夏天 提交于 2019-11-26 03:02:09


Could anyone explain the difference between filter and filter_by functions in SQLAlchemy? I am confused and can\'t really see the difference. Which one should I be using?


filter_by is used for simple queries on the column names using regular kwargs, like


The same can be accomplished with filter, not using kwargs, but instead using the '==' equality operator, which has been overloaded on the db.users.name object:


You can also write more powerful queries using filter, such as expressions like:

db.users.filter(or_(db.users.name=='Ryan', db.users.country=='England'))


We actually had these merged together originally, i.e. there was a "filter"-like method that accepted *args and **kwargs, where you could pass a SQL expression or keyword arguments (or both). I actually find that a lot more convenient, but people were always confused by it, since they're usually still getting over the difference between column == expression and keyword = expression. So we split them up.


filter_by uses keyword arguments, whereas filter allows pythonic filtering arguments like filter(User.name=="john")


It is a syntax sugar for faster query writing. Its implementation in pseudocode:

def filter_by(self, **kwargs):
    return self.filter(sql.and_(**kwargs))

For AND you can simply write:

session.query(db.users).filter_by(name='Joe', surname='Dodson')


session.query(db.users).filter(or_(db.users.name=='Ryan', db.users.country=='England'))

can be written as

session.query(db.users).filter((db.users.name=='Ryan') | (db.users.country=='England'))

Also you can get object directly by PK via get method:

# And even by a composite PK
Users.query.get(123, 321)

When using get case its important that object can be returned without database request from identity map which can be used as cache(associated with transaction)

