Android Studio ignore --core-library flag

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:54:01


I have a project, which i want to configure on my computer.

On anothe computer it works, but with old version of Android Studio 0.4.0 whenever I use 0.5.2

The proble is that after I launch app it show error

Build script error, unsupported Gradle DSL method found: 'coreLibrary()'! Possible causes could be:
- you are using Gradle version where the method is absent - you didn't apply Gradle plugin which provides the method - or there is a mistake in a build script

But in order to make it work I have to use this flag! I already tried to enable it in the settings>Android compilers > "Add --core-library" flag, but it useless...

in the gradle i have next part of code:

    dexOptions {     coreLibrary true; }

This error showed only after activation this lines... Without them it don't work...

HOW SHOULD I FIX THIS? Maybe it is because of different versions.. if yes then how should I write to make it work?

After changing to coreLibrary = true It compilate Gradle fine BUt stille require after Run --core-library flag using.... But i already set it to true in settings...

It shows not almost the same error:

Error:Execution failed for task ':BusKg:preDexDebug'. > Failed to run command:     D:\Programms\Programms\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20131030\sdk\build-tools\android-4.4\dx.bat --dex --output D:\Android2\\marshrutka\BusKg\build\pre-dexed\debug\annotations-api-6.0.26-27e56569b50edbdd453f9bc0e568cde1fbfa621b.jar C:\Users\Viacheslav\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1\org.apache.tomcat\annotations-api\6.0.26\50aeafa144ed17913ed44d18ac61afd505a9e3e\annotations-api-6.0.26.jar Error Code:     1 Output:     trouble processing "javax/xml/ws/WebServiceRef.class":     Ill-advised or mistaken usage of a core class (java.* or javax.*)     when not building a core library.     This is often due to inadvertently including a core library file     in your application's project, when using an IDE (such as     Eclipse). If you are sure you're not intentionally defining a     core class, then this is the most likely explanation of what's     going on.     However, you might actually be trying to define a class in a core     namespace, the source of which you may have taken, for example,     from a non-Android virtual machine project. This will most     assuredly not work. At a minimum, it jeopardizes the     compatibility of your app with future versions of the platform.     It is also often of questionable legality.     If you really intend to build a core library -- which is only     appropriate as part of creating a full virtual machine     distribution, as opposed to compiling an application -- then use     the "--core-library" option to suppress this error message.     If you go ahead and use "--core-library" but are in fact     building an application, then be forewarned that your application     will still fail to build or run, at some point. Please be     prepared for angry customers who find, for example, that your     application ceases to function once they upgrade their operating     system. You will be to blame for this problem.     If you are legitimately using some code that happens to be in a     core package, then the easiest safe alternative you have is to     repackage that code. That is, move the classes in question into     your own package namespace. This means that they will never be in     conflict with core system classes. JarJar is a tool that may help     you in this endeavor. If you find that you cannot do this, then     that is an indication that the path you are on will ultimately     lead to pain, suffering, grief, and lamentation.     1 error; aborting

Thanks in advance for any help...


The syntax for specifying dexOptions values is different; you need an equals sign:

dexOptions {     coreLibrary = true; }


project.tasks.withType( {     additionalParameters=['--core-library'] }

does not work proper,and get the error:

Could not get unknown property 'com' for object of type

I solve the problem by adding this to android block.

dexOptions {     preDexLibraries = false     additionalParameters=['--core-library'] }

Hoping this is helpful to you!


In Android Studio 1.1.0, navigate to :

File --> Other Settings --> Default Settings --> Compilers --> Android Compilers

You will find the check-box to Add "--core-library" flag, but this does not seem to be working.

Instead editing the file app/build.gradle

Disabling pre-dexing inside android {} using

dexOptions {     preDexLibraries = false }

and modifying Dex task using

project.tasks.withType( {     additionalParameters=['--core-library'] }

solves the problem.

Edit: Full contents of app/build.gradle

apply plugin: ''  android {     compileSdkVersion 21     buildToolsVersion "21.1.2"      defaultConfig {         applicationId "appId"         minSdkVersion 19         targetSdkVersion 21         versionCode 1         versionName "1.0"         multiDexEnabled true     }      buildTypes {         release {             minifyEnabled false             proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''         }     }      dexOptions {         preDexLibraries = false         javaMaxHeapSize "4g"     }      project.tasks.withType( {         additionalParameters=['--core-library']     }      packagingOptions {         exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE'         exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE'         exclude 'META-INF/MANIFEST.MF'         exclude 'META-INF/DEPENDENCIES'         exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE.txt'         // more exclude files here if conflicts     } }


I think we cannot enable --core-library via dexOptions.

We know that dexOptions delegated to a object, which implements

From the source code, we know it doesn't support --core-library.

From Issue 79280: dexOptions in gradle plugin don't support coreLibrary

You can do it manually by

  • disable pre-dexing (this is because our cache would have issues if we allow adding extra params)
  • modify the Dex tasks to add --core-library as an extra parameters.


Hi I have the same problem and I resolved it by checked the box "Add --core-library" in /Preferences/Compiler/Android Compilers


I solved this problem! Unfortunately I solved it only by installing version Android Studio 0.4.2.... Other methods didn't help... Probably, later, it is better to configure project for new version of Android Studio.


You will have to exclude libraries which are causing this issue. For Example: -

compile('org.simpleframework:simple-xml:2.7.+'){     exclude module: 'stax'     exclude module: 'stax-api'     exclude module: 'xpp3' }
