how to export MVC detail view data to an excel file?

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-01 14:28:51

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After some experiments I use Open XML SDK 2.0. You can find currently a lot of information how to do this on and One more link can be also useful.

Usage of Open XML SDK 2.0 at the first time take a little more time as other ways, but exported files are real Excel files and should not be converted by users. And if you will be have more requirements for the format of produced excel files, you will be able to implement there.

Matthew Hood

You could loop through the Keys/Values of your ViewData and generate the excel file (various options mentioned Here) or simply to CSV

But I would recommend rather doing this in the controller and returning a FileResult and not from the ViewData (which I presume you using in your View).

Depending on the complexity of the page's HTML you might be able to get away with just changing the header type to application/excel. Excel has built in html parsing functionality. I've successfully done this many times a few years back with a DataGrid on a page.

Response.ContentType = "application/excel"
Response.AppendHeader "content-disposition", "attachment: filename=TestExcelFile.xls"

Some details on HTML in excel
