jqGrid : Image not changing in edit window when pressing the previous and next arrow

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-01 12:19:34

It looks like you use the demo which I created for the answer.

To implement changing of the image on clicking on the "Next", "Prev" buttons of the edit form (marked yellow on the image below)

one can use afterclickPgButtons callback which set src attribute.

afterclickPgButtons: function () {
    var $self = $(this),
        selRowId = $self.jqGrid("getGridParam", "selrow");
    // "img" below is the column name which have edittype: "image"
    $("#img").attr("src", "/BDED_WEB/resources/images/user" + selRowId + ".jpg");

The demo demonstrates the modified version of the original demo.
