What does the syntax d._children = d.children; stand for in d3.js?

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-11-30 06:43:08

_children is just a temp variable that holds the children when they are hidden. When you click you are either taking children to null and storing the children in the temp variable, or, if children is already null, loading them from the temp variable.

Any temp variable could have been used. There is nothing special about _children. It is used to show an obvious relationship to children.

I was just testing this via this example below and found that if I replaced the word children with anything else the tree failed to load correctly. I believe children is a required keyword. https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4339083

I just verified this. In order to use another keyword to define children you must use the tree.children() function like this:

tree.children(function(d){ return d.dependencies; });
