Getting posts from a page using Facebook4j api

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-11-30 05:03:07


I'm wondering if there's a way to use the Facebook4J API to get all (or even recent) posts from a facebook page?

I know it's possible to get all posts from a user's wall or feed, but I can't find anything in the API or the documentation that shows how to get posts from a page.

Looking at , it would appear that there is in fact a set of Page related methods, but clicking on any one of them simply refreshes the page, making me think that maybe they are planned but not yet implemented?

I know it's possible to get posts from a page using the graph API, but I'd really rather stick with Facebook4j, if possible.

Any input would be greatly appreciated!


Facebook4J supports Page APIs since version 2.0.
You can get posts from a facebook page via Facebook#getFeed(PAGE_ID). example:

    ResponseList<Post> feed = facebook.getFeed("");



Here is a minimal example for your problem: Note that you can get the access token and the page ID from Use this id below in your code:

import facebook4j.Comment;
import facebook4j.Facebook;
import facebook4j.FacebookException;
import facebook4j.FacebookFactory;
import facebook4j.PagableList;
import facebook4j.Post;
import facebook4j.Reading;
import facebook4j.ResponseList;
import facebook4j.auth.AccessToken;

public class PostsFromPageExtractor {

 * A simple Facebook4J client which
 * illustrates how to access group feeds / posts / comments.
 * @param args
 * @throws FacebookException 
public static void main(String[] args) throws FacebookException {

    // Generate facebook instance.
    Facebook facebook = new FacebookFactory().getInstance();
    // Use default values for oauth app id.
    facebook.setOAuthAppId("", "");
    // Get an access token from: 
    // Copy and paste it below.
    String accessTokenString = "PASTE_YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE";
    AccessToken at = new AccessToken(accessTokenString);
    // Set access token.

    // We're done.
    // Access group feeds.
    // You can get the group ID from:

    // Set limit to 25 feeds.
    ResponseList<Post> feeds = facebook.getFeed("187446750783",
            new Reading().limit(25));

        // For all 25 feeds...
        for (int i = 0; i < feeds.size(); i++) {
            // Get post.
            Post post = feeds.get(i);
            // Get (string) message.
            String message = post.getMessage();
                            // Print out the message.

            // Get more stuff...
            PagableList<Comment> comments = post.getComments();
            String date = post.getCreatedTime().toString();
            String name = post.getFrom().getName();
            String id = post.getId();

