Preg_replace with array replacements

99封情书 提交于 2019-11-27 22:11:27

You could use preg_replace_callback with a callback that consumes your replacements one after the other:

$string = ":abc and :def have apples.";
$replacements = array('Mary', 'Jane');
echo preg_replace_callback('/:\w+/', function($matches) use (&$replacements) {
    return array_shift($replacements);
}, $string);


Mary and Jane have apples.
$string = ":abc and :def have apples.";
$replacements = array('Mary', 'Jane');

echo preg_replace("/:\\w+/e", 'array_shift($replacements)', $string);


Mary and Jane have apples.

Try this

$to_replace = array(':abc', ':def', ':ghi');
$replace_with = array('Marry', 'Jane', 'Bob');

$string = ":abc and :def have apples, but :ghi doesn't";

$string = strtr($string, array_combine($to_replace, $replace_with));
echo $string;

here is result:

For a Multiple and Full array replacement by Associative Key you can use this to match your regex pattern:

   $words=array("_saudation_"=>"Hello", "_animal_"=>"cat", "_animal_sound_"=>"MEooow");
   $source=" _saudation_! My Animal is a _animal_ and it says _animal_sound_ ... _animal_sound_ ,  _no_match_";

  function translate_arrays($source,$words){
    return (preg_replace_callback("/\b_(\w*)_\b/u", function($match) use ($words) {    if(isset($words[$match[0]])){ return ($words[$match[0]]); }else{ return($match[0]); } },  $source));

    echo translate_arrays($source,$words);
    //returns:  Hello! My Animal is a cat and it says MEooow ... MEooow ,  _no_match_

*Notice, thats although "_no_match_" lacks translation, it will match during regex, but preserve its key. And keys can repeat many times.
