Control the hibernate session(when to close it manually)

a 夏天 提交于 2019-11-27 16:52:45
Pascal Thivent

I am new in hibernate,after read the hibernate api and tutorial,it seems that the session should cloesd when not used.

It should be closed when you're done with (but this can be done automatically for you as we'll see).

I have no question when using it in a standalone application. However I am not sure when using in the web app.

Well, as explained in the section 11.1.1. Unit of work of the documentation, the most common pattern in a multi-user client/server application is session-per-request.

For example, I have a servlet:TestServlet to recieve the parameters from the client,then I call a Manager to query something according to the parameters: just like this (...) Should I close the session in the query method?

It all depends on how you obtain the session.

  • if you use sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(), you'll obtain a "current session" which is bound to the lifecycle of the transaction and will be automatically flushed and closed when the transaction ends (commit or rollback).
  • if you decide to use sessionFactory.openSession(), you'll have to manage the session yourself and to flush and close it "manually".

To implement a session-per-request pattern, prefer the first approach (much easier and less verbose). Use the second approach to implement long conversations.

The wiki page Sessions and transactions is a good complement to the documentation on this topic.

BTW, does the tx.commit() is required each time?

You might want to read Non-transactional data access and the auto-commit mode to clarify a few things but, to put it simply, your Hibernate code has to be executed within a transaction and I'd suggest to use explicit transaction boundaries (i.e. explicit beginTransaction and commit).

Also what's the thread problem about using session in servlet, since I saw the session is not thread safe in api.

Just don't make it an instance variable of the Servlet and you won't have any problem.



If you are getting session through sessionFactory.openSession() then you have to close it externally. Opened session for unintended period can cause the data leaks. Plus it can give invitation to Web App security threat.

We can make use of ThreadLocal.

public class MyUtil {
private static SessionFactory sessionFactory;
private static ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry;
private static final ThreadLocal<Session> threadLocal;

static {
try {
    Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
    serviceRegistry = new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder().applySettings(configuration.getProperties()).build();
    sessionFactory = configuration.buildSessionFactory(serviceRegistry);
    threadLocal = new ThreadLocal<Session>();

    } catch(Throwable t){
      throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(t);
public static Session getSession() {
    Session session = threadLocal.get();
    if(session == null){
        session = sessionFactory.openSession();
    return session;

public static void closeSession() {
    Session session = threadLocal.get();
    if(session != null){

public static void closeSessionFactory() {

Here, the SessionFactory is initialized only once using the static block. Hence, whenever the main class makes a call to getSession(), the presence of Session object is first checked in the threadLocal object. Therefore, this program provides thread-safety. After each operation, closeSession() will close the session and set the threadLocal object to null. Finally call the closeSessionFactory().

Virendra khade

A session is opened whenever getCurrentSession() is called for the first time and closed when the transaction ends.

This creates a brand new session if one does not exist or uses an existing one if one already exists. It automatically configured with both auto-flush and auto-close attributes as true means Session will be automatically flushed and closed.

Ff you are using getCurrentSession() then no need to close the connection if you are going to tried this then you will face an exception.
