Get back anonymous type [duplicate]

喜欢而已 提交于 2020-01-24 14:09:09


Possible Duplicate:
Accessing C# Anonymous Type Objects
Working with C# Anonymous Types

I'm using linq to entities to get id and full name from a table with customers.

  public IQueryable RegresaClientesPorEmpresa(int id_emp)
        var clientes = from c in context.clientes
                       where c.IDEmpresa == id_emp
                       select new
                           NomComp = c.Nombres +" "+ c.ApellidoP +" "+ c.ApellidoM
        return clientes;

The result is used as the datasource of a combobox, then when SelectionChangeCommitted is triggered in my combo, I want the selected item to be added to a listbox:

var clientes = operaciones.RegresaClientesPorEmpresa(2);
 combo_cliente.DataSource = clientes;
 combo_cliente.DisplayMember = "NomComp";
 combo_cliente.ValueMember = "IDCliente";

 listBox_grupo.DisplayMember = "NomComp";
 listBox_grupo.ValueMember = "IDCliente";

 private void combo_cliente_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e)

Until here everything is fine. Finally I want to get all "IDCliente"'s values from all items added to my listbox, the problem is that I don't know how to do it because every item is an Anonymous data type. Can anyone help me?


The scope of an anonymous type is limited to the method in which it is "declared" (well it's not really declared, but you see what I mean). If you want to use the result of your query in another method, create a named type to hold the results.


You shouldn't return anonymous types from your methods if you're expecting to access their properties. It'll be easier on you if you define a class instead, because that establishes the contract of your method.


just create a class to avoid anonymous type.

class Foo
   public string NomComp {get ; set;}
   public string IDCliente {get ; set;}

and do

select new Foo

to save some hassle.

or You can define

T Cast<T>(object obj, T type)
   return (T)obj;

and then use

object anonymousObject = GetSelection();
var selection = Cast(anonymousObject , new { IDCliente="", NomComp ="" });

and then you should be able to do selection.NomComp to get the property value.

