Symfony2: automatically logging in users from their Windows session

一笑奈何 提交于 2020-01-03 07:21:06


In Symfony2 I have built an intranet. It currently uses the FOSUserBundle and an LDAP bundle to log users in, and I would like to add the functionality to log in user from their session in Windows.

I found an NTLM script for PHP and an updated version of it, but I haven't been able to incorporate them into Symfony2.

I also found an NTLM bundle for Symfony2, but it was written for an older version of Symfony and it is not maintained anymore. I was unable to rewrite it and get it to work.

My question is; how could I automatically log in users from their Windows session in my Symfony2-app, in addition to the already present LDAP functionality? What would be the best and easiest way?


Take a look at the classes in the Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall folder.

You should also read this thread with some more useful information on implementing your own AuthenticationListener:!topic/symfony-devs/oSUqDyMsZpI

This page from the documentation should give you everything you need on implementing your own listener:

