Variable expression into javascript without using th:inline

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-11-27 03:21:00


I searched first but I found confusing answers since I'm new to Thymeleaf and amateurish at best at javascript.

I just want to know how to pass variable expressions into javascript functions, sort of like in JSP:

<a href="#" onclick="javascript:getContactId('${}');">Button</a>

Of course, this fails with Thymeleaf and passes the string ${} instead of its value, so how could I get the value of the variable expression instead?

The reason I want it this way is because it depends on the row which is being iterated by th:each.

If there's no other way except to use th:inline, then what's the best approach considering the above statement?


This one worked:

th:onclick="'javascript:getContactId(\'' + ${} + '\');'"

Thanks goes out to the thymeleaf forum:


In Thymeleaf version 2.1, I have not been able to get the accepted answer to work. I did find some guidance from a Twitter post from Thymeleaf. Rather than using th:onclick, you use th:attr and specify the onclick attribute therein.

th:attr="onclick='javascript:getContactId(\'' + ${} + '\');'"


You can not put javascript variables into onclick or other DOM attributes. The value of onclick or any other DOM attribute should be a constant string.

However, you can dynamically modify value of onclick attribute from javascript, like this:

yourDomElement.onclick = anyVariable;


You can do this like:

th:onclick="'javascript:getContactId(\'' + ${} + '\');'"


A more generic approach, if you need in JS something that isn't passed as a event handler parameter:


Any attribute whose name is starting with data- is ignored by all browsers. So it won't affect the UI and you can easily read the value in javascript.

I prefer this because it's not ideal to put javascript code in html (see unobtrusive javascript)


I have asked the Thymeleaf project on twitter, and their answer is:

You can use both the "+" operator or literal substitutions. For example: <a th:href="|javascript:change('start','${taskId}')|">

For more info:

I have tried, and it works~

