Determine Pixel Length of String in Javascript/jQuery?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-11-26 01:08:30


Is there any way to determine the pixel length of a string in jQuery/JavaScript?


Wrap text in a span and use jquery width()


The contexts used for HTML Canvases have a built in method for checking the size of a font. This method returns a TextMetrics object, which has a width property which contains the width of the text.

function getWidthOfText(txt, fontname, fontsize){
    if(getWidthOfText.c === undefined){
    getWidthOfText.ctx.font = fontsize + ' ' + fontname;
    return getWidthOfText.ctx.measureText(txt).width;

Or, as some of the other users have suggested, you can wrap it in a span element:

function getWidthOfText(txt, fontname, fontsize){
    if(getWidthOfText.e === undefined){
        getWidthOfText.e = document.createElement('span'); = "none";
    } = fontsize; = fontname;
    getWidthOfText.e.innerText = txt;
    return getWidthOfText.e.offsetWidth;


  • First solution (canvas) - tested, working (returns in pixels)
  • Second solution (DOM) - tested, working (returns in pixels)

Note that because of implementation differences, the two may return slightly different values.

Performance test: 26788 calls averaged over 100 iterations. Tested on late 2014 mac mini, 1.4 GHz i5

Safari, version 10.1.1 (12603.2.4):

  • First solution: 33.92 milliseconds for 26788 invocations
  • Second solution: 67.94 milliseconds for 26788 invocations

Google Chrome, version 60.0.3112.90:

  • First solution: 99.1963 milliseconds for 26788 invocations
  • Second solution: 307.4605 milliseconds for 26788 invocations


I don't believe you can do just a string, but if you put the string inside of a <span> with the correct attributes (size, font-weight, etc); you should then be able to use jQuery to get the width of the span.

<span id='string_span' style='font-weight: bold; font-size: 12'>Here is my string</span>


Put it in an absolutely-positioned div then use clientWidth to get the displayed width of the tag. You can even set the visibility to "hidden" to hide the div:

<div id="text" style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden" >This is some text</div>
<input type="button" onclick="getWidth()" value="Go" />
<script type="text/javascript" >
    function getWidth() {
        var width = document.getElementById("text").clientWidth;
        alert(" Width :"+  width);


Based on vSync's answer, the pure javascript method is lightning fast for large amount of objects. Here is the Fiddle:

[1]: "JSFiddle"

I received favorable tests for the 3rd method proposed, that uses the native javascript vs HTML Canvas

Google was pretty competive for option 1 and 3, 2 bombed.

FireFox 48:
Method 1 took 938.895 milliseconds.
Method 2 took 1536.355 milliseconds.
Method 3 took 135.91499999999996 milliseconds.

Edge 11 Method 1 took 4895.262839793865 milliseconds.
Method 2 took 6746.622271896686 milliseconds.
Method 3 took 1020.0315412885484 milliseconds.

Google Chrome: 52
Method 1 took 336.4399999999998 milliseconds.
Method 2 took 2271.71 milliseconds.
Method 3 took 333.30499999999984 milliseconds.


First replicate the location and styling of the text and then use Jquery width() function. This will make the measurements accurate. For example you have css styling with a selector of:

.style-head span
  //Some style set

You would need to do this with Jquery already included above this script:

var measuringSpan = document.createElement("span");
measuringSpan.innerText = 'text to measure'; = 'none'; /*so you don't show that you are measuring*/
var theWidthYouWant = $(measuringSpan).width();

Needless to say


will hold the pixel length. Then remove the created elements after you are done or you will get several if this is done a several times. Or add an ID to reference instead.


If you use Snap.svg, the following works:

var tPaper = Snap(300, 300);
var tLabelText = tPaper.text(100, 100, "label text");
var tWidth = tLabelText.getBBox().width;  // the width of the text in pixels.
tLabelText.attr({ x : 150 - (tWidth/2)});   // now it's centered in x

