Center aligning multiple lines of text with GD and PHP

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-05 00:17:12


I'm trying to print multiple lines of text on an image and center align them.


    This is
A string of text

Right now, I only have the left position for the whole string. Any shortcuts on getting that to work? I think it might have to be a getttfbox on the whole string, then an explode on the line breaks, then center the new text inside that larger ttfbox. That's a pain in the ass...

EDIT: Came up with a solution:

    foreach ( $strings as $index => $string ) {
        $parts = explode ( "\n", $string['string'] );
        if ( count ( $parts ) > 1 ) {
            $bounds = imagettfbbox ( intval($string['fontsize']), 0, $font, $string['string'] );
            $width = $bounds[2] - $bounds[0];
            $height = $bounds[3] - $bounds[5];
            $line_height = $height / count ( $parts );

            foreach ( $parts as $index => $part ) {
                $bounds = imagettfbbox ( intval($string['fontsize']), 0, $font, $part );
                $new_width = $bounds[2] - $bounds[0];
                $diff = ( $width - $new_width ) / 2;
                $new_left = $string['left'] + $diff;

                $new_string = $string;
                $new_string['left'] = $new_left;
                $new_string['top'] = $string['top'] + ($index * $line_height);
                $new_string['string'] = $part;
                $new_strings[] = $new_string;

    if ( $new_strings )
        $strings = $new_strings;

In this case, each $string is an array with some information about how and what to print. Hope that helps someone.


You can use stil/gd-text class. Disclaimer: I am the author.

use GDText\Box;
use GDText\Color;

$img = imagecreatefromjpeg('image.jpg');

$textbox = new Box($img);
$textbox->setFontColor(new Color(0, 0, 0));
    50,  // distance from left edge
    50,  // distance from top edge
    200, // textbox width
    100  // textbox height

// now we have to align the text horizontally and vertically inside the textbox
$textbox->setTextAlign('center', 'top');
// it accepts multiline text
$textbox->draw("This is\na string of text");



Here is a function that will use the imagettfbbox you mentioned, I can't help with the automatic wordwrapping, but maybe as you suggested, split the string ahead of time.

function imagettftext_cr(&$im, $size, $angle, $x, $y, $color, $fontfile, $text)
  $bbox = imagettfbbox($size, $angle, $fontfile, $text);
  $dx = ($bbox[2]-$bbox[0])/2.0 - ($bbox[2]-$bbox[4])/2.0;
  $dy = ($bbox[3]-$bbox[1])/2.0 + ($bbox[7]-$bbox[1])/2.0;
  $px = $x-$dx;
  $py = $y-$dy;
  return imagettftext($im, $size, $angle, $px, $py, $color, $fontfile, $text);

Edit: Also found this in the PHP documentation comments...

Here's a simple function to wrap text going into an image. It'll wrap onto as many lines as it needs to, but $angle has to be zero. The $width parameter is the width of the image.

function wrap($fontSize, $angle, $fontFace, $string, $width)
  $ret = "";
  $arr = explode(' ', $string);
  foreach ( $arr as $word )
    $teststring = $ret.' '.$word;
    $testbox = imagettfbbox($fontSize, $angle, $fontFace, $teststring);
    if ( $testbox[2] > $width ){
    } else {
      $ret.=($ret==""?"":' ').$word;
  return $ret;


You could use the excellent gd-text library. If you use composer, an example could be this:

require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';

use GDText\Box;

$im = imagecreatetruecolor(500, 500);
$backgroundColor = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 18, 64);
imagefill($im, 0, 0, $backgroundColor);

$box = new Box($im);
$box->setFontFace(__DIR__.'/Pacifico.ttf'); //
$box->setFontColor([255, 255, 255]);
$box->setTextShadow([0, 0, 0, 50], 0, -2);
$box->setBox(20, 20, 460, 460);
$box->setTextAlign('center', 'center');

header("Content-type: image/png");


This is my code which works:

function textWithImage($text){  
                $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($imagePath);
                $txtColor = imageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255);  
                $in =  wordwrap($description,50,"|",true);
                $st = explode("|",$in);
                foreach($inStrArr as $key=>$value){
                    list($x, $y) = pc_ImageTTFCenter($im, $value, $font, 20,$addOnYVal);
                    ImageTTFText($im,20,0, $x, $y, $txtColor, $font, $value);

               imagejpeg($im, $newImagename,100);

} // Enf of textWithImage function

function pc_ImageTTFCenter($image, $text, $font, $size, $addOnYVal) {
    // find the size of the image
    $xi = ImageSX($image);
    $yi = ImageSY($image);

    // find the size of the text
    $box = ImageTTFBBox($size, $angle, $font, $text);

    $xr = abs(max($box[2], $box[4]));
    $yr = abs(max($box[5], $box[7]));

    // compute centering
    $x = intval(($xi - $xr) / 2);
    $y = intval(($yi + $yr) / 2) +  + $addOnYVal;;

    return array($x, $y);

// Calling function
$text = "This is to center alignn the text on image";


//  Output: Image will be saved in the upload folder


Get the length of the string (strlen), and an average width of each letter, multiply the strlen result by the average width and then subtract that from your horizontal position.

$text="center this";

Tell me if it works because I have never tried this

