export html table to csv

北战南征 提交于 2019-11-26 19:48:38


I am trying to add a feature of csv download option in my website. It should convert the html table present in the website in to csv content and make it downloadable. Ive been searching through internet for a good plugin and found some usefule ones like http://www.dev-skills.com/export-html-table-to-csv-file/ But it uses php script to do the download part. I was wondering if there is a pure javascript library available to do this feature using server side softwares like node.js without the use of php??


Using just jQuery, vanilla Javascript, and the table2CSV library:


Put this code into a script to be loaded in the head section:

 $(document).ready(function () {
    $('table').each(function () {
        var $table = $(this);

        var $button = $("<button type='button'>");
        $button.text("Export to spreadsheet");

        $button.click(function () {
            var csv = $table.table2CSV({
                delivery: 'value'
            window.location.href = 'data:text/csv;charset=UTF-8,' 
            + encodeURIComponent(csv);


Requires jQuery and table2CSV: Add script references to both libraries before the script above.

The table selector is used as an example, and can be adjusted to suit your needs.

It only works in browsers with full Data URI support: Firefox, Chrome and Opera, not in IE, which only supports Data URIs for embedding binary image data into a page.

For full browser compatibility you would have to use a slightly different approach that requires a server side script to echo the CSV.


There is a very easy free and open source solution at http://jordiburgos.com/post/2014/excellentexport-javascript-export-to-excel-csv.html

First download the javascript file and sample files from https://github.com/jmaister/excellentexport/releases/tag/v1.4

The html page looks like below.

Make sure the the javascript file is in the same folder or change the path of the script in the html file accordingly.

    <title>Export to excel test</title>
    <script src="excellentexport.js"></script>
        table, tr, td {
            border: 1px black solid;

    Check on <a href="http://jordiburgos.com">jordiburgos.com</a> and  <a href="https://github.com/jmaister/excellentexport">GitHub</a>.

    <h3>Test page</h3>


    <a download="somedata.xls" href="#" onclick="return ExcellentExport.excel(this, 'datatable', 'Sheet Name Here');">Export to Excel</a>

    <a download="somedata.csv" href="#" onclick="return ExcellentExport.csv(this, 'datatable');">Export to CSV</a>

    <table id="datatable">
            <th>Column 1</th>
            <th>Column "cool" 2</th>
            <th>Column 3</th>
            <td>More text</td>
            <td>Text with
                new line</td>


It is very easy to use this as I have tried most of the other methods.


You don't need PHP script on server side. Do that in the client side only, in browsers that accept Data URIs:


The Data URI will be something like:


You can call this URI by:

  • using window.open
  • or setting the window.location
  • or by the href of an anchor
  • by adding the download attribute it will work in chrome, still have to test in IE.

To test, simply copy the URIs above and paste in your browser address bar. Or test the anchor below in a HTML page:

<a download="somedata.csv" href="data:application/csv;charset=utf-8,Col1%2CCol2%2CCol3%0AVal1%2CVal2%2CVal3%0AVal11%2CVal22%2CVal33%0AVal111%2CVal222%2CVal333">Example</a>

To create the content, getting the values from the table, you can use table2CSV mentioned by MelanciaUK and do:

var csv = $table.table2CSV({delivery:'value'});
window.location.href = 'data:application/csv;charset=UTF-8,' + encodeURIComponent(csv);


Should work on every modern browser and without jQuery or any dependency, here my implementation :

// Quick and simple export target #table_id into a csv
function download_table_as_csv(table_id) {
    // Select rows from table_id
    var rows = document.querySelectorAll('table#' + table_id + ' tr');
    // Construct csv
    var csv = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
        var row = [], cols = rows[i].querySelectorAll('td, th');
        for (var j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
            // Clean innertext to remove multiple spaces and jumpline (break csv)
            var data = cols[j].innerText.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '').replace(/(\s\s)/gm, ' ')
            // Escape double-quote with double-double-quote (see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17808511/properly-escape-a-double-quote-in-csv)
            data = data.replace(/"/g, '""');
            // Push escaped string
            row.push('"' + data + '"');
    var csv_string = csv.join('\n');
    // Download it
    var filename = 'export_' + table_id + '_' + new Date().toLocaleDateString() + '.csv';
    var link = document.createElement('a');
    link.style.display = 'none';
    link.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
    link.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(csv_string));
    link.setAttribute('download', filename);

Then add your download button/link :

<a href="#" onclick="download_table_as_csv('my_id_table_to_export');">Download as CSV</a>

CSV file is timedated and compatible with default Excel format.


I found there is a library for this. See example here:


In addition to the above code, the following Javascript library files are loaded for use in this example:

In HTML, include following scripts:


Enable buttons by adding scripts like:

$(document).ready( function () {
        dom: '<"top"Blf>rt<"bottom"ip>',
        buttons: ['copy', 'excel', 'csv', 'pdf', 'print'],
        select: true,
} );

For some reason, the excel export results in corrupted file, but can be repaired. Alternatively, disable excel and use csv export.


Used the answer above, but altered it for my needs.

I used the following function and imported to my REACT file where I needed to download the csv file.

I had a span tag within my th elements. Added comments to what most functions/methods do.

import { tableToCSV, downloadCSV } from './../Helpers/exportToCSV';

export function tableToCSV(){
  let tableHeaders = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('th'))
    .map(item => {
      // title = splits elem tags on '\n',
      // then filter out blank "" that appears in array.
      // ex ["Timestamp", "[Full time]", ""]
      let title = item.innerText.split("\n").filter(str => (str !== 0)).join(" ")
      return title

  const rows = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('tr'))
  .reduce((arr, currRow) => {
    // if tr tag contains th tag.
    // if null return array.
    if (currRow.querySelector('th')) return arr

    // concats individual cells into csv format row.
    const cells = Array.from(currRow.querySelectorAll('td'))
      .map(item => item.innerText)
    return arr.concat([cells])
  }, [])

return tableHeaders + '\n' + rows.join('\n')

export function downloadCSV(csv){
  const csvFile = new Blob([csv], { type: 'text/csv' })
  const downloadLink =  document.createElement('a')
  // sets the name for the download file
  downloadLink.download = `CSV-${currentDateUSWritten()}.csv`
  // sets the url to the window URL created from csv file above
  downloadLink.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(csvFile)
  // creates link, but does not display it.
  downloadLink.style.display = 'none'
  // add link to body so click function below works


When user click export to csv it trigger the following function in react.

  handleExport = (e) => {
    const csv = tableToCSV()
    return downloadCSV(csv)

Example html table elems.

  <table id="datatable">
          <tr id="tableHeader" className="t-header">
              <span className="block">full time</span></th>
            <th>current rate
              <span className="block">alt view</span>
            <th>Battery Voltage
              <span className="block">current voltage
            <th>Temperature 1
              <span className="block">[C]</span>
            <th>Temperature 2
              <span className="block">[C]</span>
            <th>Time & Date </th>


